Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dumbbell Shrug

Target Muscles

Trapezius(upper), Rhomboids, various other neck and shoulder girdle muscles.
Starting Position

* Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
* Hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides level with your thighs, palms facing backwards. Keep your arms straight.

The Movement

* Raise your shoulders straight up towards
your ears, keeping your arms straight.
* Hold for a count of two; then lower the , dumbbells back to the starting position.


* Keep your arms straight throughout the movement.
* Lift and lower the dumbbells slowly and
deliberately - don't jerk them.
* As you lower the dumbbells, allow your shoulders to drop down as far as possible ­this stretches the trapezius and increases the range of motion.
* Do not rotate your shoulders backwards at the top of the movement - this increases the risk of injury to the shoulder and places no further work on the trapezius.
* Use straps to improve your grip.


Barbell shrug
Shrugs may be performed with a barbell instead of dumbbells. Hold a barbell in front of or behind your thighs, keep your arms straight and move the bar up and down as described above.
Other Exercises for your Back Workouts.

Lat Pull-down.


One-arm Row.

Seated Cable Row.

Bent-over Barbell Row.

Straight-arm Pull-downs.

Back Extention on the Floor.

Back Extention with Swiss Ball.

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