Seven hundred and fifty litres. That's the amount of liquid the average man guzzles each year. Approximately 128 litres of beer, 200 litres of soda, 90 litres of milk, and a whole lot of litres of other stuff. Feeling a bit bloated? You should be.
But the great thing about drinking so much is that all you have to do to lose weight is make a few adjustments to the types of drinks you're already pouring down every day. Juice with pulp instead of pulp-free. Green tea instead of regular. Do it all and you're gulping 35,456 fewer calories in four weeks. That's a savings of five kilos. So fill 'er up. This one's on us. And off you.
Your morning juice
Unless you're an astronaut or a skinny 10-year-old boy, trade in your Tang and pulp-free OJ for the thick stuff-juice with extra pulp. It may help you resist the lure of the office bread basket. Researchers at Purdue University found that people stayed full longer when they drank thick drinks than when they drank thin ones-even when calories, temperatures and amounts were equal. "Thicker drinks help to fight off hunger longer as they contain more fibre," says New Delhi-based nutritionist Dr Sonia Kakar.
Calories saved in four weeks: 5,460
Your midmorning break
Even if your taste in tea runs more toward Long Island than iced, there's a reason to consider adding a bit more of the stuff to your diet: It's a natural fat burner. But you need to buy the stuff marked 'green'. "Remember that boiling it with milk and sugar like we in India do, will not count," says Dr Kakar. A Swiss study found that substances in green tea called catechin polyphenols can increase your body's metabolism, so you burn fat at a faster rate.
Calories saved in four weeks: at least 4,872
Lunch in a can
Meal replacements really work. In a study presented at the annual meeting of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, researchers found that regularly drinking meal replacements increased a man's chances of losing weight and keeping it off for longer than a year. But which one should you drink? Men trying to lose weight need about 600 calories per meal, with 25 per cent of those calories from protein, 25 per cent from fat, and 50 per cent from carbohydrates. That's about what you get from this drink:
Strawberry power blast
1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt or dahi
1 cup double-toned milk
2 tsp peanut butter
1 medium banana
1½ cup frozen unsweetened strawberries
2 tsp sugar
2 ice cubes or ½ cup crushed ice
Directions: Place ingredients in a blender. Blend on high speed until smooth. Drink immediately.
Per serving: 608 calories, 25gm protein, 106gm carbohydrates, 11gm total fat
Calories saved in four weeks: 9,856
Your afternoon indulgence
Need something thick and creamy after a tiny, hurried lunch? Grab a thick milk shake or a smoothie. The damage from a regular chocolate shake is around 220 calories. Shakes from ice cream parlours and coffee shops tend to be a better idea because you can pick a sugar free or even sugarless option-at fast food joints, you're forced to stick to a shake made according to a formula.
Calories saved in four weeks: 9,520
Your post-workout smoothie
Bananas don't just fend off muscle cramps, they also fight hunger. "For a person who is not obese, having one mediumsized banana is not at all a bad thing," says Dr Kakar. To make your own appetite-busting smoothie, blend together a banana, ½ cup non-fat vanilla yogurt, cup frozen orange-juice concentrate, ½ cup double toned milk, and ½ cup crushed ice. A study conducted at Penn State found that men who drank yoghurt shakes that had been blended until they doubled in volume ate 96 fewer calories a day than men who drank shakes of normal thickness.
Calories saved in four weeks: 2,688
Soda for the drive home
Sure it doesn't taste like soft drinks, but it may be the lesser evil. You could also try drinking it nice and chilled. "The colder a diet soda is when you're drinking it, the less you'll notice the difference in taste," says nutrition consultant Liz Ward.
"If you can't stand diet but want to start drinking it, try filling your cup three-fourths of the way with regular soda and topping it off with diet," she adds.
Calories saved in four weeks: 2,024
Beer (330ml)
Kingfisher Draught
less than 100
Your evening beer
There's nothing wrong with "lite" beer, unless you count not tasting anything like the real thing. A bottle of Heineken can set you back around 170 calories. Here are some choices:
Calories saved in four weeks: at least 1,036.
Uncover the truth on latest bodybuilding facts and information including great fitness and weight lifting tips
Monday, March 30, 2009
Set a barbell on a squat rack and grab it with an overhand grip; step under the bar so it rests across your upper back. Lift it off the rack and step back, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body, keeping your back in its natural alignment and your lower legs nearly perpendicular to the floor. When your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower, pause, then return to the starting position 1.
Bench press
Grab the bar with your hands just wider than shoulder width and hold it over your chest at arm's length. Lower the bar to your chest, pause, then push it straight up to the starting position 2.
Set a barbell on the floor and roll it against your shins. Squat and grab the bar with an overhand grip, your hands just outside your legs. With your back fl at and head up, stand up with the barbell, pulling your shoulder blades back and keeping the bar close to your body. Slowly lower the bar to the starting position 1.
Grab a chinup bar with a shoulder-width, underhand grip. Cross your ankles and hang at arm's length. Pull yourself up as high as you can. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position 2.
Set a barbell on a squat rack and grab it with an overhand grip; step under the bar so it rests across your upper back. Lift it off the rack and step back, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body, keeping your back in its natural alignment and your lower legs nearly perpendicular to the floor. When your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower, pause, then return to the starting position 1.
Bench press
Grab the bar with your hands just wider than shoulder width and hold it over your chest at arm's length. Lower the bar to your chest, pause, then push it straight up to the starting position 2.
Set a barbell on the floor and roll it against your shins. Squat and grab the bar with an overhand grip, your hands just outside your legs. With your back fl at and head up, stand up with the barbell, pulling your shoulder blades back and keeping the bar close to your body. Slowly lower the bar to the starting position 1.
Grab a chinup bar with a shoulder-width, underhand grip. Cross your ankles and hang at arm's length. Pull yourself up as high as you can. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position 2.
Uncool to be skinny
Sometimes the loathing I feel for my skinniness comes in the way of talking about it. So, with all my strength, I push it aside, and let the words breathe. When I was a child, people looked at me kindly; later, I figured it wasn't because they took me to be stupid or ugly but because I was so thin they worried I had the rickets. As a teenager, I learned that to be as thin meant you kept off the grass; on the playground, the bony ones got beat up and yelled at. I started to occupy as little space as possible. I became like the smallest word in the crossword; a dot or an ale.
In my twenties, I believed beer would help me overcome the slims... as a diet of rice, potatoes and cheese had failed. All the cheap British beer did during my university years in London was mask my blues-I was so slender I feared people didn't see me. And they didn't. They didn't because I didn't want them to. They didn't because each time I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt so graphically unappealing I wanted to reach into the mirror and shake the life out of my own reflection.
When I moved to America, a peer at college said to me, 'You have body issues.' Did my body really have issues? If yes, with whom? The Shiv Sena? The Germans? Vada pav? Or did she mean, I had issues with my body? If yes, did she want to go and kill herself already? But maybe she was on to something. After all, my friend Ambika reminds me of when I went skinny dipping. With my clothes on.
I was 22 when I finished my first novel. My first year in America. The language had been big, the book fat. In short, I was making up for weight. My novel had no body issues. The book was published, finally, when I was 26. The notices for The Last Song of Dusk were flattering; I hid behind them. The notices for me, the author, three-named, often abbreviated, were nasty; I hid from them. Well meaning journalists could undo me without meaning to. A writer for a Kolkata paper said I was 'toothpick thin'. Not only did his casual assessment feel exaggerated-on a good day, I'm an ice pick in linen pants-it made me wonder how casually people can dismiss you for failing your body mass index. After all, if I'd been built like Elvis in his death years, would his profile have said I was made like an army tank, an elephant on steroids, a hippo in a kurta? Never!
But I wasn't overweight. Oh no! I was just so thin I could disappear if I turned sideways.
Only in recent days have I come to terms with the fact that I'm a Thin Person. My friend Nonita extols the virtues of being skinny. I tell her being thin is hot on chicks but on guys it's bad news; it's last season's collection. I say I feel thin enough to be yesterday. She says thin is the new tomorrow. Excitedly, she points out the models on the ramp, rock stars, heck, even the sadhu outside the Hanuman Mandir in Colaba.
But the sadhu paid for his skinniness with one epiphany too many, the rock stars sold out to charlie, and the models were, quite honestly, too dumb to eat. My skinniness, in comparison, is pointless; it is, to force a revelation on a Thursday afternoon, what it is. Neither glamorous nor tortured. Just bones. Some flesh. Maybe they'd been right. Maybe I had the rickets. Maybe I was a toothpick with clothes on. On top of being ugly and stupid.
But words. They have power. Now I know when people see me they think of me as the twink in the corner. Then, I speak. And language gives me muscle; it is my six-pack, my abs, my beautiful butt of steel. If I can tell a good story, and I have a great story to tell, words become my armour. Remember that cheesy quote?
'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me'? Oh lord, we can now fire the idiot who wrote such shoddy copy. Because if you sit down with me after I've had a few drinks, I'll show you how to slash, burn and rip someone apart. With words. But that sort of other-effacement is only half as much fun as celebrating someone with words, giving them definition and purpose. Kindness. Thin People are capable of kindness. Just don't assume that because I disappear when I turn sideways I can't see you. I can and I do, I just don't show it.
I still don't like the way I look. I probably never will. But self-loathing keeps me alive. I tell Nonita thin people will inherit the world, and then spend their lives working on the body issues of The Others. She laughs. She says I'm fishing. Secretly, she says, I love the way I look. I tell her I spent half my life in a kurta because I felt it would hide me and then I spent the other half of my life behind a jacket because I thought people wouldn't notice I was a fraction of their size. These days, though, I'm trying to spend my life being honest. I'm just trying to tell my story. Neat and simple and clean. It's a slender story but, boy, did you see the teeth on it?
Try this descending-repetition workout, with little rest between sets. Short rest periods stimulate the release of growth hormones. This builds muscle and burns fat, says John Williams, CSCS, co-owner of Spectrum Conditioning in New York.
Alternate the workouts: In the first week, perform Workout A on Monday and Friday, and Workout B on Wednesday. Flip that in the second week. Use 50 to 60 per cent of the weight you can lift once. Do 10 repetitions, rest 10 seconds without letting go of the bar, then nine reps, rest 10 seconds, eight reps, and so on, down to one. (For chinups, start with five.) Rest two minutes between exercises.
In my twenties, I believed beer would help me overcome the slims... as a diet of rice, potatoes and cheese had failed. All the cheap British beer did during my university years in London was mask my blues-I was so slender I feared people didn't see me. And they didn't. They didn't because I didn't want them to. They didn't because each time I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt so graphically unappealing I wanted to reach into the mirror and shake the life out of my own reflection.
When I moved to America, a peer at college said to me, 'You have body issues.' Did my body really have issues? If yes, with whom? The Shiv Sena? The Germans? Vada pav? Or did she mean, I had issues with my body? If yes, did she want to go and kill herself already? But maybe she was on to something. After all, my friend Ambika reminds me of when I went skinny dipping. With my clothes on.
I was 22 when I finished my first novel. My first year in America. The language had been big, the book fat. In short, I was making up for weight. My novel had no body issues. The book was published, finally, when I was 26. The notices for The Last Song of Dusk were flattering; I hid behind them. The notices for me, the author, three-named, often abbreviated, were nasty; I hid from them. Well meaning journalists could undo me without meaning to. A writer for a Kolkata paper said I was 'toothpick thin'. Not only did his casual assessment feel exaggerated-on a good day, I'm an ice pick in linen pants-it made me wonder how casually people can dismiss you for failing your body mass index. After all, if I'd been built like Elvis in his death years, would his profile have said I was made like an army tank, an elephant on steroids, a hippo in a kurta? Never!
But I wasn't overweight. Oh no! I was just so thin I could disappear if I turned sideways.
Only in recent days have I come to terms with the fact that I'm a Thin Person. My friend Nonita extols the virtues of being skinny. I tell her being thin is hot on chicks but on guys it's bad news; it's last season's collection. I say I feel thin enough to be yesterday. She says thin is the new tomorrow. Excitedly, she points out the models on the ramp, rock stars, heck, even the sadhu outside the Hanuman Mandir in Colaba.
But the sadhu paid for his skinniness with one epiphany too many, the rock stars sold out to charlie, and the models were, quite honestly, too dumb to eat. My skinniness, in comparison, is pointless; it is, to force a revelation on a Thursday afternoon, what it is. Neither glamorous nor tortured. Just bones. Some flesh. Maybe they'd been right. Maybe I had the rickets. Maybe I was a toothpick with clothes on. On top of being ugly and stupid.
But words. They have power. Now I know when people see me they think of me as the twink in the corner. Then, I speak. And language gives me muscle; it is my six-pack, my abs, my beautiful butt of steel. If I can tell a good story, and I have a great story to tell, words become my armour. Remember that cheesy quote?
'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me'? Oh lord, we can now fire the idiot who wrote such shoddy copy. Because if you sit down with me after I've had a few drinks, I'll show you how to slash, burn and rip someone apart. With words. But that sort of other-effacement is only half as much fun as celebrating someone with words, giving them definition and purpose. Kindness. Thin People are capable of kindness. Just don't assume that because I disappear when I turn sideways I can't see you. I can and I do, I just don't show it.
I still don't like the way I look. I probably never will. But self-loathing keeps me alive. I tell Nonita thin people will inherit the world, and then spend their lives working on the body issues of The Others. She laughs. She says I'm fishing. Secretly, she says, I love the way I look. I tell her I spent half my life in a kurta because I felt it would hide me and then I spent the other half of my life behind a jacket because I thought people wouldn't notice I was a fraction of their size. These days, though, I'm trying to spend my life being honest. I'm just trying to tell my story. Neat and simple and clean. It's a slender story but, boy, did you see the teeth on it?
Try this descending-repetition workout, with little rest between sets. Short rest periods stimulate the release of growth hormones. This builds muscle and burns fat, says John Williams, CSCS, co-owner of Spectrum Conditioning in New York.
Alternate the workouts: In the first week, perform Workout A on Monday and Friday, and Workout B on Wednesday. Flip that in the second week. Use 50 to 60 per cent of the weight you can lift once. Do 10 repetitions, rest 10 seconds without letting go of the bar, then nine reps, rest 10 seconds, eight reps, and so on, down to one. (For chinups, start with five.) Rest two minutes between exercises.
Cardio vs Weights: which is better for you?
Hit a plateau? Can't see changes in your body? Use these rules for fast results
Cardio-Guy Works out on running or rowing machines. Prides himself on marathon success and stamina.
Muscle-Guy Works out using free weights. Prides himself on ability to bench-press and his biceps.
The scoring For the scoring, we've created a system like boxing's 10-point. The winner of a round is awarded 10 points. If the round ends in a draw, each contestant receives ten. A score of 10 to 8 is a knockout-the poor fool with the 8 got pummelled. And 10 to 9 means the round was close.
Cardio-Guy 8
Muscle-Guy 10
Ahead on Points
Cardio-Guy 0
Muscle-Guy 1
Both forms of exercise help your bones stay strong, but the increases are site-specific. So if you run, your lower-body bones stay strong, but that doesn't do anything to beef up the bones above the waist. On the other hand, total-body weight training strengthens all bones. Bone is living tissue which bulks itself up with extra calcium when placed under the strain of strength training. So lifting weights is the best way to bone strength.
Cardio-Guy 10
Muscle-Guy 8 Ahead on Points
Cardio-Guy 1
Muscle-Guy 1
Studies on the effect of resistance training on blood pressure are contradictory.
But cardio training is more effective at building up the heart, so it can pump out more blood with each beat.
As a result, blood requires less pressure to travel around the body.
Cardio-Guy 10
Muscle-Guy 9
Ahead on Points
Cardio-Guy 1.5
Muscle-Guy 1
This is a crucial indicator of fitness. Fewer beats per minute means your heart is stronger, pumping more blood with each contraction. Studies on resistance training swing widely, from no effect on resting heart rate to an 11 per cent reduction; in general, it probably won't do much to slow your heart rate. Aerobic exercise may result in reductions of up to 25 per cent. The fitter you are, the less desperately your muscles need nutrients. Instead, they are more efficient at using their energy supplies. So the heart doesn't have to work overtime to keep refuelling them, so the resting heart rate is slower.
Cardio-Guy 8
Muscle-Guy 10
Ahead on Points
Cardio-Guy 1.5
Muscle-Guy 2
Cardio-Guy Works out on running or rowing machines. Prides himself on marathon success and stamina.
Muscle-Guy Works out using free weights. Prides himself on ability to bench-press and his biceps.
The scoring For the scoring, we've created a system like boxing's 10-point. The winner of a round is awarded 10 points. If the round ends in a draw, each contestant receives ten. A score of 10 to 8 is a knockout-the poor fool with the 8 got pummelled. And 10 to 9 means the round was close.
Cardio-Guy 8
Muscle-Guy 10
Ahead on Points
Cardio-Guy 0
Muscle-Guy 1
Both forms of exercise help your bones stay strong, but the increases are site-specific. So if you run, your lower-body bones stay strong, but that doesn't do anything to beef up the bones above the waist. On the other hand, total-body weight training strengthens all bones. Bone is living tissue which bulks itself up with extra calcium when placed under the strain of strength training. So lifting weights is the best way to bone strength.
Cardio-Guy 10
Muscle-Guy 8 Ahead on Points
Cardio-Guy 1
Muscle-Guy 1
Studies on the effect of resistance training on blood pressure are contradictory.
But cardio training is more effective at building up the heart, so it can pump out more blood with each beat.
As a result, blood requires less pressure to travel around the body.
Cardio-Guy 10
Muscle-Guy 9
Ahead on Points
Cardio-Guy 1.5
Muscle-Guy 1
This is a crucial indicator of fitness. Fewer beats per minute means your heart is stronger, pumping more blood with each contraction. Studies on resistance training swing widely, from no effect on resting heart rate to an 11 per cent reduction; in general, it probably won't do much to slow your heart rate. Aerobic exercise may result in reductions of up to 25 per cent. The fitter you are, the less desperately your muscles need nutrients. Instead, they are more efficient at using their energy supplies. So the heart doesn't have to work overtime to keep refuelling them, so the resting heart rate is slower.
Cardio-Guy 8
Muscle-Guy 10
Ahead on Points
Cardio-Guy 1.5
Muscle-Guy 2
What not to say at work
Truth is beauty, wrote John Keats. Oh, really? No wonder Keats was a poet and not a corporate executive. The truth about truth is that-in the business world, anyway-it can be very ugly indeed. Particularly the truths that emerge about ourselves when we're stressed or angry or tipsy.
Bottom line: You must ration out personal revelations with care and thought. The self you present to your work world should be carefully constructed. Not unreal. Just a selective collection of your greatest hits. It's made up of several components:
• The way you dress
• The way you keep your hair
• The way you conduct yourself in meetings
• The way you use email
• The way you blow off steam with colleagues
All of these constructions, added together, create a self that can help you succeed and make more money. And that's what it's all about, isn't it? But here's a point you need to pay attention to: you don't want to construct a personality that's even a little bit phoney. Your goal is to display a version of yourself that helps you win people's esteem but that doesn't stifle the real you under a layer of other people's expectations.
It's not hard. You just need to avoid revealing the sides of yourself that only your mom, girlfriend or drinking buddies should see. To that end, here's your Book of No Revelation.
1. How much you had to drink last night
Or any night, for that matter. It's good to have a reputation as a partygoer, for sure. But watch out for the dreaded frat-boy tag. Here's the difference: A party-going dude is always the life of the party. A frat boy, however, thinks life is a party.
Amit is the guy at the office who everybody loves. He goes out at dinnertime, comes back at breakfast. However, he got left out of an off-site strategic-mission soiree because the big bosses found him "an overgrown kid in a man's body."
2. How much your shoes cost
...or how much your stock portfolio is worth, or how big your last raise was, or how much that new house by the beach in Goa is going to cost you.
Ugh. Is there anything more odious than somebody who constantly tells you how rich he is, or how fantastic his new BMW is?
At the same time, nobody wants to hear how poor you are. There's nothing more pathetic than the man who bitches all day about the cost of his kid's school fees. Everybody faces financial burdens. A little straight talk between friends-preferably over lunch or a cocktail-is permissible. But crying the blues isn't. It makes people see you as a loser. And people who are seen to be losers, are.
3. Who you sleep with, and how often
This is a no-win situation: You'll be seen as either a man-slut or a liar. And nobody wants to work with a liar.
Alternatively, if your conquests are with your beloved soulmate or your wife (who if you're lucky is the same person), then you're seen as an outlandish boor for kissing and telling. Also bad.
Jabbering about how you got on with that hot woman at the party also forces your colleagues to imagine you naked. Unless you are very handsome, this will do you no good.
4. How you ripped off the system on your last business trip
You'd be amazed at the number of people who brag about this kind of stuff. Only morons cheat on their expense accounts, so moronic follow-up behaviour is consistent.
But there are dark corners of everybody's career. Nights on the road that you can't quite remember. Activities with peers that wouldn't stand up to personal or professional scrutiny. A job is like a road show. What happens there really should stay there.
The problem is that people deal with darkness in different ways. Some keep it to themselves. Others take it for a walk around the park. The point is this: Not all colleagues, peers and bosses can deal with subversive information in a discreet way. There are those who happen to take their roles as friends of the court very seriously. And they will hose you down if they feel it's necessary and proper to do so.
5. How sick you're of the job
A little cribbing is not always out of line. We all like to share our pipe dreams over a beer after work. But select your audience well. The business world is filled with stooges (as well as really great guys you're going to love). A misplaced word to the wrong person could end up as a quiet comment to somebody who thought you were loyal-or who already had your number and was looking for a reason to pull the trigger.
Arun once dropped by his boss's office and told him that the place was badly run, that it was overstaffed with dimwads, that their processes and procedures were 10 years out of date, and blah blah blah. He thought he was earning his keep by telling the boss what he really thought. The boss said, "Thanks, but if you hate it around here so much, you can leave, okay?" It wasn't really a question, either.
6. How much you despise the boss
The world is filled with crazy people who articulate negative opinions for all to hear about the person who runs the place.
A former boss of Ajit's became demented in his job, growing to despise his own boss so much that he could no longer keep his animus to himself. He'd talk about her boss at lunch. Or drop emails loathing her to Ajit and others. Then one day, instead of typing Ajit's name into the "To" field, he typed his own boss'. He was fired later that day.
7. How excited you're about all the things God is telling you
You may believe that the Lord is coming to bring down fire and brimstone to earth. That alien DNA is driving all humanity crazy. Keep it to yourself. There's a place for politics and religion, and it's not at work. You'll freak people out if you tell them what's on your mind on those fronts. But if you want to be perceived as a successful businessman, walk the walk, talk the talk, and keep it on planet Earth.
Bottom line: You must ration out personal revelations with care and thought. The self you present to your work world should be carefully constructed. Not unreal. Just a selective collection of your greatest hits. It's made up of several components:
• The way you dress
• The way you keep your hair
• The way you conduct yourself in meetings
• The way you use email
• The way you blow off steam with colleagues
All of these constructions, added together, create a self that can help you succeed and make more money. And that's what it's all about, isn't it? But here's a point you need to pay attention to: you don't want to construct a personality that's even a little bit phoney. Your goal is to display a version of yourself that helps you win people's esteem but that doesn't stifle the real you under a layer of other people's expectations.
It's not hard. You just need to avoid revealing the sides of yourself that only your mom, girlfriend or drinking buddies should see. To that end, here's your Book of No Revelation.
1. How much you had to drink last night
Or any night, for that matter. It's good to have a reputation as a partygoer, for sure. But watch out for the dreaded frat-boy tag. Here's the difference: A party-going dude is always the life of the party. A frat boy, however, thinks life is a party.
Amit is the guy at the office who everybody loves. He goes out at dinnertime, comes back at breakfast. However, he got left out of an off-site strategic-mission soiree because the big bosses found him "an overgrown kid in a man's body."
2. How much your shoes cost
...or how much your stock portfolio is worth, or how big your last raise was, or how much that new house by the beach in Goa is going to cost you.
Ugh. Is there anything more odious than somebody who constantly tells you how rich he is, or how fantastic his new BMW is?
At the same time, nobody wants to hear how poor you are. There's nothing more pathetic than the man who bitches all day about the cost of his kid's school fees. Everybody faces financial burdens. A little straight talk between friends-preferably over lunch or a cocktail-is permissible. But crying the blues isn't. It makes people see you as a loser. And people who are seen to be losers, are.
3. Who you sleep with, and how often
This is a no-win situation: You'll be seen as either a man-slut or a liar. And nobody wants to work with a liar.
Alternatively, if your conquests are with your beloved soulmate or your wife (who if you're lucky is the same person), then you're seen as an outlandish boor for kissing and telling. Also bad.
Jabbering about how you got on with that hot woman at the party also forces your colleagues to imagine you naked. Unless you are very handsome, this will do you no good.
4. How you ripped off the system on your last business trip
You'd be amazed at the number of people who brag about this kind of stuff. Only morons cheat on their expense accounts, so moronic follow-up behaviour is consistent.
But there are dark corners of everybody's career. Nights on the road that you can't quite remember. Activities with peers that wouldn't stand up to personal or professional scrutiny. A job is like a road show. What happens there really should stay there.
The problem is that people deal with darkness in different ways. Some keep it to themselves. Others take it for a walk around the park. The point is this: Not all colleagues, peers and bosses can deal with subversive information in a discreet way. There are those who happen to take their roles as friends of the court very seriously. And they will hose you down if they feel it's necessary and proper to do so.
5. How sick you're of the job
A little cribbing is not always out of line. We all like to share our pipe dreams over a beer after work. But select your audience well. The business world is filled with stooges (as well as really great guys you're going to love). A misplaced word to the wrong person could end up as a quiet comment to somebody who thought you were loyal-or who already had your number and was looking for a reason to pull the trigger.
Arun once dropped by his boss's office and told him that the place was badly run, that it was overstaffed with dimwads, that their processes and procedures were 10 years out of date, and blah blah blah. He thought he was earning his keep by telling the boss what he really thought. The boss said, "Thanks, but if you hate it around here so much, you can leave, okay?" It wasn't really a question, either.
6. How much you despise the boss
The world is filled with crazy people who articulate negative opinions for all to hear about the person who runs the place.
A former boss of Ajit's became demented in his job, growing to despise his own boss so much that he could no longer keep his animus to himself. He'd talk about her boss at lunch. Or drop emails loathing her to Ajit and others. Then one day, instead of typing Ajit's name into the "To" field, he typed his own boss'. He was fired later that day.
7. How excited you're about all the things God is telling you
You may believe that the Lord is coming to bring down fire and brimstone to earth. That alien DNA is driving all humanity crazy. Keep it to yourself. There's a place for politics and religion, and it's not at work. You'll freak people out if you tell them what's on your mind on those fronts. But if you want to be perceived as a successful businessman, walk the walk, talk the talk, and keep it on planet Earth.
Twisting long-lever swiss-ball crunch
Works: abs and lower back
Lie on a Swiss-ball so that your hips, back, and head are all in contact with the ball. Hold a pair of light dumbbells with your arms extended beyond your head, and make sure that they are in line with your shoulders. Keep your arms straight, then slowly curl yourself up and rotate your torso slightly to the left. Pause in the same position for a moment, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement, this time crunching up and to the right.
Watch your form: If this move is too hard at first, hold the weights at your chest, then try the exercise.
Lie on a Swiss-ball so that your hips, back, and head are all in contact with the ball. Hold a pair of light dumbbells with your arms extended beyond your head, and make sure that they are in line with your shoulders. Keep your arms straight, then slowly curl yourself up and rotate your torso slightly to the left. Pause in the same position for a moment, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement, this time crunching up and to the right.
Watch your form: If this move is too hard at first, hold the weights at your chest, then try the exercise.
Twisting long-lever swiss-ball crunch
Works: abs and lower back
Lie on a Swiss-ball so that your hips, back, and head are all in contact with the ball. Hold a pair of light dumbbells with your arms extended beyond your head, and make sure that they are in line with your shoulders. Keep your arms straight, then slowly curl yourself up and rotate your torso slightly to the left. Pause in the same position for a moment, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement, this time crunching up and to the right.
Watch your form: If this move is too hard at first, hold the weights at your chest, then try the exercise.
Lie on a Swiss-ball so that your hips, back, and head are all in contact with the ball. Hold a pair of light dumbbells with your arms extended beyond your head, and make sure that they are in line with your shoulders. Keep your arms straight, then slowly curl yourself up and rotate your torso slightly to the left. Pause in the same position for a moment, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement, this time crunching up and to the right.
Watch your form: If this move is too hard at first, hold the weights at your chest, then try the exercise.
Spinal twist stretch

Loosens lower back
Lie on your back with your legs straight. Bend your left knee and grab the outside of it with your right hand. For support, place your left arm firmly on the floor. Gently pull your knee to the right as you twist your torso to the left. Hold for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the stretch, this time pulling your right knee with your left hand.
Watch your form: Twist your body only as far as is comfortable for you. The stretch should always feel relaxing, and not painful.
8. Lying catapult
Works: abs and lower back
Grab a medicine-ball and lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Hold the ball with arms extended beyond your head. In one movement, curl your torso up and to the left and toss the ball to a partner. Catch his return pass, lower yourself to the starting position, and repeat, this time twisting and tossing the ball to the right. Alternate directions in each rep. (Your partner will need to move from side to side.)
Watch your form: Keep your arms straight at all times.
Swiss-ball bent-over raise
Works: rear deltoids and rotator-cuff muscles
Sit on a Swiss-ball with a light dumbbell in each hand, with your arms at your sides and palms toward you. Bend forward at the waist until your chest is just over your thighs. Without bending your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades together and raise the weights until your arms are parallel to the floor. Pause, then slowly lower your arms.
Watch your form: In the top position, your arms should form a straight line from fist to fist.
6. Superman crisscross
Works: lower back and gluteal muscles
Lie facedown with your legs straight and your arms extended past your head. Simultaneously lift your arms, chest, and legs so that only your abdomen and pelvic area are resting on the floor. Holding this position, spread your legs. Pause, then reverse the move to cross your left foot over your right. Repeat, this time crossing your right foot over your left.
Watch your form: Keep your legs as close to the floor as possible without letting them touch it.
Sit on a Swiss-ball with a light dumbbell in each hand, with your arms at your sides and palms toward you. Bend forward at the waist until your chest is just over your thighs. Without bending your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades together and raise the weights until your arms are parallel to the floor. Pause, then slowly lower your arms.
Watch your form: In the top position, your arms should form a straight line from fist to fist.
6. Superman crisscross
Works: lower back and gluteal muscles
Lie facedown with your legs straight and your arms extended past your head. Simultaneously lift your arms, chest, and legs so that only your abdomen and pelvic area are resting on the floor. Holding this position, spread your legs. Pause, then reverse the move to cross your left foot over your right. Repeat, this time crossing your right foot over your left.
Watch your form: Keep your legs as close to the floor as possible without letting them touch it.
Doorway hamstring stretch
Loosens hamstrings
Lie on your back in a doorway. Lift one leg till nearly vertical and place your heel against the door frame; rest the other leg on the floor. Keeping the raised leg straight, slowly slide forward so that your heel rises along the wall. Continue till you feel a stretch along the back of your thigh. Gently push your heel against the wall for 3 seconds, relax your leg muscles, then slide farther forward and repeat. Switch to stretch the opposite hamstring.
Watch your form: Keep your upper body flat on the floor throughout the stretch.
4. Swiss-ball seated row
Works: back and rear shoulders to help pull shoulder blades into alignment
Sit upright on a Swiss-ball facing a lowpulley cable with a rope handle attached. With your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, grab the ends of the rope with both hands so that your arms are completely straight. Keeping your torso upright, squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your fists to the sides of your chest. Pause, then return to the starting position.
Watch your form: Row at a slow, steady pace. If the ball rolls forward or backward at any point, you're probably going too fast.
Lie on your back in a doorway. Lift one leg till nearly vertical and place your heel against the door frame; rest the other leg on the floor. Keeping the raised leg straight, slowly slide forward so that your heel rises along the wall. Continue till you feel a stretch along the back of your thigh. Gently push your heel against the wall for 3 seconds, relax your leg muscles, then slide farther forward and repeat. Switch to stretch the opposite hamstring.
Watch your form: Keep your upper body flat on the floor throughout the stretch.
4. Swiss-ball seated row
Works: back and rear shoulders to help pull shoulder blades into alignment
Sit upright on a Swiss-ball facing a lowpulley cable with a rope handle attached. With your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, grab the ends of the rope with both hands so that your arms are completely straight. Keeping your torso upright, squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your fists to the sides of your chest. Pause, then return to the starting position.
Watch your form: Row at a slow, steady pace. If the ball rolls forward or backward at any point, you're probably going too fast.
Single-leg wall sit
1. Single-leg wall sit
Works: lower body and improves knee stabilisation
Stand about 18 inches from a wall, facing away from it. Lean back so your hips, back, shoulders, and head are against the wall. Tuck your left foot behind your right calf and extend your arms in front of you. Slowly lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Pause, then push yourself back up. Finish your repetitions, then repeat with your left leg.
Watch your form: If you can't balance, try this with both feet on the floor.
2. Tibialis cable pull
Works: front of lower leg to help prevent shinsplints and stress fractures
Sit on the floor facing a cable station with your right leg straight and a low-pulley cable handle looped around your right forefoot. (Tuck your left foot along the inside of your right thigh.) Without lifting your foot, flex your ankle to pull your toes toward you against the cable's resistance, then reverse the movement, resisting the cable as you go. That's one repetition. Complete one set, then repeat the exercise with your left leg.
Watch your form: Don't yank the cable toward you. Move your foot steadily for 2 to 3 seconds in each direction.
Works: lower body and improves knee stabilisation
Stand about 18 inches from a wall, facing away from it. Lean back so your hips, back, shoulders, and head are against the wall. Tuck your left foot behind your right calf and extend your arms in front of you. Slowly lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Pause, then push yourself back up. Finish your repetitions, then repeat with your left leg.
Watch your form: If you can't balance, try this with both feet on the floor.
2. Tibialis cable pull
Works: front of lower leg to help prevent shinsplints and stress fractures
Sit on the floor facing a cable station with your right leg straight and a low-pulley cable handle looped around your right forefoot. (Tuck your left foot along the inside of your right thigh.) Without lifting your foot, flex your ankle to pull your toes toward you against the cable's resistance, then reverse the movement, resisting the cable as you go. That's one repetition. Complete one set, then repeat the exercise with your left leg.
Watch your form: Don't yank the cable toward you. Move your foot steadily for 2 to 3 seconds in each direction.
Always wanted to be strong? Use this plan
Your body is smart: If you have a muscle imbalance, a built-in protective mechanism limits the dominant muscle's ability to generate force, temporarily helping prevent injuries and stalling progress. Over time, muscles that are disproportionately stronger than others can pull bones and joints out of alignment, causing potentially dangerous postural changes and injuries, says Nicholas DiNubile, MD, a Men's Health sports-medicine advisor. Use this plan to spark a total-body growth spurt.
This workout strengthens areas that are weak for most men, while stretching those that are tight from overuse. The result: You'll build better working relationships between all your muscles, leading to faster-than-ever gains and less risk of injury. You can also sprinkle the exercises throughout your weekly workouts, at the beginning of routines, in which you train similar muscle groups. Working your weak links first gives them priority, ensuring that you're working your oft-neglected muscles when they're at their freshest.
Attempt 1 set of each exercise in weeks 1 and 2 and 2 sets in weeks 3 and 4 (1 for stretches). Do 10 to 12 reps in weeks 1 and 3, and 12 to 15 in weeks 2 and 4 (5 to 7 for the stretches). The speed of each rep is 2 secs up and down in week 1 and 2, and 3 secs in weeks 3 and 4. Rest between sets for 30 to 45 secs. Increase workouts from 1 session to 2 after 2 weeks. Do all moves in order using the grid at the end of this section.
This workout strengthens areas that are weak for most men, while stretching those that are tight from overuse. The result: You'll build better working relationships between all your muscles, leading to faster-than-ever gains and less risk of injury. You can also sprinkle the exercises throughout your weekly workouts, at the beginning of routines, in which you train similar muscle groups. Working your weak links first gives them priority, ensuring that you're working your oft-neglected muscles when they're at their freshest.
Attempt 1 set of each exercise in weeks 1 and 2 and 2 sets in weeks 3 and 4 (1 for stretches). Do 10 to 12 reps in weeks 1 and 3, and 12 to 15 in weeks 2 and 4 (5 to 7 for the stretches). The speed of each rep is 2 secs up and down in week 1 and 2, and 3 secs in weeks 3 and 4. Rest between sets for 30 to 45 secs. Increase workouts from 1 session to 2 after 2 weeks. Do all moves in order using the grid at the end of this section.
Always wanted to be strong? Use this plan
Your body is smart: If you have a muscle imbalance, a built-in protective mechanism limits the dominant muscle's ability to generate force, temporarily helping prevent injuries and stalling progress. Over time, muscles that are disproportionately stronger than others can pull bones and joints out of alignment, causing potentially dangerous postural changes and injuries, says Nicholas DiNubile, MD, a Men's Health sports-medicine advisor. Use this plan to spark a total-body growth spurt.
This workout strengthens areas that are weak for most men, while stretching those that are tight from overuse. The result: You'll build better working relationships between all your muscles, leading to faster-than-ever gains and less risk of injury. You can also sprinkle the exercises throughout your weekly workouts, at the beginning of routines, in which you train similar muscle groups. Working your weak links first gives them priority, ensuring that you're working your oft-neglected muscles when they're at their freshest.
Attempt 1 set of each exercise in weeks 1 and 2 and 2 sets in weeks 3 and 4 (1 for stretches). Do 10 to 12 reps in weeks 1 and 3, and 12 to 15 in weeks 2 and 4 (5 to 7 for the stretches). The speed of each rep is 2 secs up and down in week 1 and 2, and 3 secs in weeks 3 and 4. Rest between sets for 30 to 45 secs. Increase workouts from 1 session to 2 after 2 weeks. Do all moves in order using the grid at the end of this section.
This workout strengthens areas that are weak for most men, while stretching those that are tight from overuse. The result: You'll build better working relationships between all your muscles, leading to faster-than-ever gains and less risk of injury. You can also sprinkle the exercises throughout your weekly workouts, at the beginning of routines, in which you train similar muscle groups. Working your weak links first gives them priority, ensuring that you're working your oft-neglected muscles when they're at their freshest.
Attempt 1 set of each exercise in weeks 1 and 2 and 2 sets in weeks 3 and 4 (1 for stretches). Do 10 to 12 reps in weeks 1 and 3, and 12 to 15 in weeks 2 and 4 (5 to 7 for the stretches). The speed of each rep is 2 secs up and down in week 1 and 2, and 3 secs in weeks 3 and 4. Rest between sets for 30 to 45 secs. Increase workouts from 1 session to 2 after 2 weeks. Do all moves in order using the grid at the end of this section.
Neck Pain
Neck pain can be due to improper habits in our daily routine or improper posture which cause pressure on the neck. Following measure can be take to avoid neck pain :
Proper posture while sitting - keep your head up straight and rest your back on the chair.
Avoid continuously sitting for a long time, walk about in between.
While lifting heavy things do not bend your back. Sit down with your knees bend, keep the heavy object close to your body while lifting.
Sleeping on a hard bed and lying on your back is good for the neck and back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.
When you have neck pain avoid pillows while lying on the bed.
When there is swelling or pain in the neck applying heat on the neck helps.
Relax. Tension causes pressure on the neck muscles which leads to pain.
Proper posture while sitting - keep your head up straight and rest your back on the chair.
Avoid continuously sitting for a long time, walk about in between.
While lifting heavy things do not bend your back. Sit down with your knees bend, keep the heavy object close to your body while lifting.
Sleeping on a hard bed and lying on your back is good for the neck and back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.
When you have neck pain avoid pillows while lying on the bed.
When there is swelling or pain in the neck applying heat on the neck helps.
Relax. Tension causes pressure on the neck muscles which leads to pain.
Tooth Ache
Toothache can be a sign of tooth decay. Only a Dental doctor can find the real cause of the pain. But let's try out some ways at home to control the pain.
Gargle with warm water or warm water mixed with salt, each time after food or after brushing every night.
Apply a little alcohol or clove oil or nutmeg oil to the effected tooth or area.
When there is pain, take a piece of ice and press it against the skin between your thumb and forefinger.
If you have severe pain, keep a piece of ice inside the mouth between the tooth and the cheeks for 15 minutes. Repeat four times a day.
Have lots of milk and leafy vegetables and calcium. Avoid sweet, sour and cold things which causes tooth decay.
When you have pain , never apply heat on your cheeks. If you are having an infection of the tooth applying heat will aggravate it.
Gargle with warm water or warm water mixed with salt, each time after food or after brushing every night.
Apply a little alcohol or clove oil or nutmeg oil to the effected tooth or area.
When there is pain, take a piece of ice and press it against the skin between your thumb and forefinger.
If you have severe pain, keep a piece of ice inside the mouth between the tooth and the cheeks for 15 minutes. Repeat four times a day.
Have lots of milk and leafy vegetables and calcium. Avoid sweet, sour and cold things which causes tooth decay.
When you have pain , never apply heat on your cheeks. If you are having an infection of the tooth applying heat will aggravate it.
Ear pain
Ear pain can occur due to allergy, filling of wax in the ear, chillness, entry of any foreign body in the ear or infection in the Eustachian tube which connects ear, nose and throat.
Before you reach the hospital
If you have pain while you are lying down, sit down with head held up straight.
Chewing some thing like Chewing gum, will help to open up the clogged Eustachian tube and thus reduce the pain
Avoid cold food and water
Take care to avoid wetting the ear. Close the ears with cotton swabs, while bathing.
Pouring Ayurvedic medicine, 'Balathailam' , will reduce the pain.
Apply warm nutmeg oil in the area surrounding the ear.
Before you reach the hospital
If you have pain while you are lying down, sit down with head held up straight.
Chewing some thing like Chewing gum, will help to open up the clogged Eustachian tube and thus reduce the pain
Avoid cold food and water
Take care to avoid wetting the ear. Close the ears with cotton swabs, while bathing.
Pouring Ayurvedic medicine, 'Balathailam' , will reduce the pain.
Apply warm nutmeg oil in the area surrounding the ear.
Stomach Pain
Stomach pain can occur commonly due to indigestion, acidity, menstrual cramps etc. Some women suffer pain after delivery.
For pain due to indigestion the following remedies are useful
A mixture of nutmeg (optional), ginger juice and lime juice helps to control pain due to indigestion.
A mixture of black tea with lime juice
For Acidity
Boil fried cumin in a cup of a water for some time, strain and have the liquid.
Chew a few coriander seeds and swallow its juice.
For pain after delivery
Make a chutney with small onions, green chilies, salt and 2-3 pieces of cocum ( Kudum Puli) and have it for some days soon after delivery.
For menstrual cramps
Taking care of your food habits during your periods can help a lot.
Reduce salt, sweet and spicy consumption
Intake of a lot of food at one stretch should be avoided.
It helps to avoid intake of tea , coffee, coke, chocolate, cold water etc during this time. Lemonade, herbal tea etc works better.
After food, take vitamin B and Calcium supplements. This helps to reduce the pain.
Have fish, chicken, vegetables and fruits along with rice
Bathe in warm water
Keep a bottle of warm water above the stomach for some time.
It helps to do simple exercises (in yoga) in the days before you get your periods.
Take pain killers only after food or along with milk. Avoid having them on empty stomach.
Intake of Dates everyday helps to solve problems during periods.
For pain due to indigestion the following remedies are useful
A mixture of nutmeg (optional), ginger juice and lime juice helps to control pain due to indigestion.
A mixture of black tea with lime juice
For Acidity
Boil fried cumin in a cup of a water for some time, strain and have the liquid.
Chew a few coriander seeds and swallow its juice.
For pain after delivery
Make a chutney with small onions, green chilies, salt and 2-3 pieces of cocum ( Kudum Puli) and have it for some days soon after delivery.
For menstrual cramps
Taking care of your food habits during your periods can help a lot.
Reduce salt, sweet and spicy consumption
Intake of a lot of food at one stretch should be avoided.
It helps to avoid intake of tea , coffee, coke, chocolate, cold water etc during this time. Lemonade, herbal tea etc works better.
After food, take vitamin B and Calcium supplements. This helps to reduce the pain.
Have fish, chicken, vegetables and fruits along with rice
Bathe in warm water
Keep a bottle of warm water above the stomach for some time.
It helps to do simple exercises (in yoga) in the days before you get your periods.
Take pain killers only after food or along with milk. Avoid having them on empty stomach.
Intake of Dates everyday helps to solve problems during periods.
Back Pain
Back pain can occur due to bad posture, pressure on the back muscles and from taking too much weight at once. try out the following for controlling the pain.
When you get a sudden back pain, lie on the bed and take rest for at least 2 full days,
Apply an icepack on the effected area. After half an hour keep a hot pack. Repeat if needed.
Keep pillows under the chest and legs and lie on your stomach. Dip a towel in boiling water, twist the water out from the towel and apply it to the affected area. Steaming the area also will reduce the pain.
Heat some coconut oil or mustard oil mixed with a little camphor (Karpuram) powder and apply on the effected area.
Heat some coconut oil mixed with crushed dried ginger and garlic. Apply this warm oil to the affected area and place a hot bag over the area.
But, if you get back pain without any particular reason or if it is accompanied with chest pain, breathlessness, stomach pain, fever etc or if the pain does not go or lessen even after 2-3 days or if the pain spreads to other areas like legs, knees, feet etc. show a doctor immediately.
When you get a sudden back pain, lie on the bed and take rest for at least 2 full days,
Apply an icepack on the effected area. After half an hour keep a hot pack. Repeat if needed.
Keep pillows under the chest and legs and lie on your stomach. Dip a towel in boiling water, twist the water out from the towel and apply it to the affected area. Steaming the area also will reduce the pain.
Heat some coconut oil or mustard oil mixed with a little camphor (Karpuram) powder and apply on the effected area.
Heat some coconut oil mixed with crushed dried ginger and garlic. Apply this warm oil to the affected area and place a hot bag over the area.
But, if you get back pain without any particular reason or if it is accompanied with chest pain, breathlessness, stomach pain, fever etc or if the pain does not go or lessen even after 2-3 days or if the pain spreads to other areas like legs, knees, feet etc. show a doctor immediately.
Joint Pain
Usually Joint pain is felt more in the morning. Apply some ointment on the affected area before going to bed everyday.
Apply Eucalyptus oil where there is pain. Steam the affected area or dip a towel in boiling water, twist the water out from the towel and apply it to the affected area.
Simple exercises in Yoga, Cycling, Swimming, Walking etc. can control the pain. Keep the exercises simple and do not overexert. Doing exercises standing in chest level water also improves the pain.
Proper posture should be maintained while sitting, walking and lying down.
If overweight, control weight by reducing food and doing exercises.
Have one tea spoon of cod liver oil every day-Stick to the one tsp measure. Avoid use of too much pain killers especially those containing narcotic and sleeping tablets.
Have lots of fruits containing Vitamin C like Guava, Oranges, Gooseberries. Try avoiding milk and potatoes.
Fasting once a week having just carrot juice or cabbage soup helps to control a lot of problems associated with joint pain.
Cut lemon into small pieces and fry them in gingelly oil. Put the pieces in a clean cloth and tie it. Apply this warm pack to the affected area.
Boil tamarind leaf in water adding salt. Keep pouring the liquid on the affected area. This helps to reduce the pain
Apply Eucalyptus oil where there is pain. Steam the affected area or dip a towel in boiling water, twist the water out from the towel and apply it to the affected area.
Simple exercises in Yoga, Cycling, Swimming, Walking etc. can control the pain. Keep the exercises simple and do not overexert. Doing exercises standing in chest level water also improves the pain.
Proper posture should be maintained while sitting, walking and lying down.
If overweight, control weight by reducing food and doing exercises.
Have one tea spoon of cod liver oil every day-Stick to the one tsp measure. Avoid use of too much pain killers especially those containing narcotic and sleeping tablets.
Have lots of fruits containing Vitamin C like Guava, Oranges, Gooseberries. Try avoiding milk and potatoes.
Fasting once a week having just carrot juice or cabbage soup helps to control a lot of problems associated with joint pain.
Cut lemon into small pieces and fry them in gingelly oil. Put the pieces in a clean cloth and tie it. Apply this warm pack to the affected area.
Boil tamarind leaf in water adding salt. Keep pouring the liquid on the affected area. This helps to reduce the pain
Regular exercise is vital to help maintain good health. Exercise burns up extra calories in food and reduces the likelihood of these being converted into fat. Regular exercise makes you fit, gives a general sense of well-being, improves appetite and sleep and makes the heart and circulation, lungs and respiration work more efficiently. Exercise carried out for about 20 minutes three times a week is beneficial for the body.
Physical Fitness can be measured in various aspects such as your balance, stamina, strength and flexibility. It is often assessed by measuring heart rate after exercise. Fitness can also be measured in terms of the strength of specific muscles required to perform a task such as lifting weights. optimal Physical fitness requires both aerobic exercise and muscle - strengthening exercises.
There are three main types of exercises that can be included in your exercise program. These are- flexibility, strengthening, and fitness.
Flexibility exercises involves stretching, loosening up and bending. These exercise helps muscles and joints to perform their full range of movement with suppleness and ease and help to reduce stiffness and keep your joints flexible.
Strengthening exercises include both flexibility and fitness exercises as well as the use of weights and specially designed equipments in a gym. These exercises help maintain or increase muscle strength, leading to firming up of the body and an improvement in posture.
Fitness exercises help increase your endurance and stamina. Vigorous activities (Aerobic activities) such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming along with many sports like football, tennis, badminton etc. improve fitness. The improvement can be seen after a few weeks of regular, fairly, hard exercise i.e. 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day. However, the level of fitness soon declines if the exercise regime is abandoned.
Walking: Walking is the best form of moderate exercise. Brisk walking help circulation of blood throughout the body. Walking can help people avoid a heart attack, peel off pounds and even develop a hard body.
An ideal walking schedule for beginners is 20 minutes 6 or 7days a week. As you develop endurance and loose weight increase your walking time gradually. If you don't need to lose body fat, you can stay fit by walking 20 to 30 minutes 3 days a week.
Walking.... go for it.
Research has shown that brisk walking regularly 3 days a week gives a 15 percent boost in mental functioning
Running or Jogging : Running improves cardiovascular fitness, promotes endurance and stamina and gives complexion a super fit glow. However, over exertion can cause fatigue, insomnia and rapid heart beat after the exercise.
Cycling : Cycling strengthens legs and thighs, heart and lungs and improve circulation. Fresh air, speed and sense of freedom allow the mind to soar. Ride at an even speed, instead of exhausting the energy by pedalling hard. The continual pumping action benefits the heart.
Aerobics : This vigorous form of exercising which is generally accompanied with music, will slim you down and improve the efficiency of your heart, lungs and circulatory system.
Swimming : It tones all parts of the body symmetrically. The crawl, butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, all of them firm buttocks and thighs, broaden shoulders, slim torso and lift breasts. Swimming also gives a beautiful back and pressure tones the skin to a smooth polish.
Tennis , Badminton and squash : These sports help develop strong buttocks and leg muscles, strengthen wrists, reflexes, eye hand co-ordination and foot work ability. Warm up before you play. Drink plenty of liquids after play.
Other daily activities like climbing stairs, gardening, carrying groceries etc all count towards moderate exercises which help in burning calories.
Physical Fitness can be measured in various aspects such as your balance, stamina, strength and flexibility. It is often assessed by measuring heart rate after exercise. Fitness can also be measured in terms of the strength of specific muscles required to perform a task such as lifting weights. optimal Physical fitness requires both aerobic exercise and muscle - strengthening exercises.
There are three main types of exercises that can be included in your exercise program. These are- flexibility, strengthening, and fitness.
Flexibility exercises involves stretching, loosening up and bending. These exercise helps muscles and joints to perform their full range of movement with suppleness and ease and help to reduce stiffness and keep your joints flexible.
Strengthening exercises include both flexibility and fitness exercises as well as the use of weights and specially designed equipments in a gym. These exercises help maintain or increase muscle strength, leading to firming up of the body and an improvement in posture.
Fitness exercises help increase your endurance and stamina. Vigorous activities (Aerobic activities) such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming along with many sports like football, tennis, badminton etc. improve fitness. The improvement can be seen after a few weeks of regular, fairly, hard exercise i.e. 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day. However, the level of fitness soon declines if the exercise regime is abandoned.
Walking: Walking is the best form of moderate exercise. Brisk walking help circulation of blood throughout the body. Walking can help people avoid a heart attack, peel off pounds and even develop a hard body.
An ideal walking schedule for beginners is 20 minutes 6 or 7days a week. As you develop endurance and loose weight increase your walking time gradually. If you don't need to lose body fat, you can stay fit by walking 20 to 30 minutes 3 days a week.
Walking.... go for it.
Research has shown that brisk walking regularly 3 days a week gives a 15 percent boost in mental functioning
Running or Jogging : Running improves cardiovascular fitness, promotes endurance and stamina and gives complexion a super fit glow. However, over exertion can cause fatigue, insomnia and rapid heart beat after the exercise.
Cycling : Cycling strengthens legs and thighs, heart and lungs and improve circulation. Fresh air, speed and sense of freedom allow the mind to soar. Ride at an even speed, instead of exhausting the energy by pedalling hard. The continual pumping action benefits the heart.
Aerobics : This vigorous form of exercising which is generally accompanied with music, will slim you down and improve the efficiency of your heart, lungs and circulatory system.
Swimming : It tones all parts of the body symmetrically. The crawl, butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, all of them firm buttocks and thighs, broaden shoulders, slim torso and lift breasts. Swimming also gives a beautiful back and pressure tones the skin to a smooth polish.
Tennis , Badminton and squash : These sports help develop strong buttocks and leg muscles, strengthen wrists, reflexes, eye hand co-ordination and foot work ability. Warm up before you play. Drink plenty of liquids after play.
Other daily activities like climbing stairs, gardening, carrying groceries etc all count towards moderate exercises which help in burning calories.
Common diseases
It is a common inflammatory skin disease that mainly affects the face, neck, chest and upper back. it is caused by an interaction between hormones, bacteria and sebum produced by the comedones (pimples), pustiles (lesions filled with pus) and occasionally CYSTS. This is possibly caused by changing hormone levels.
Mild cases may be eased by washing the face with a gentle toilet soap or by drying agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Severe acne may need oral treatment with antibiotics such as tetracycline or hormone therapy such as Dianette, which also acts as a Contraceptive.
Very severe acne can be treated using a derivative of Vitamin A, called tretinoin or Retin A. This cream is applied in each night and takes about 3 weeks to be effective. An oral version called Ro- accutane is very good against severe acne but carries serious risks of foetal abnormality during pregnancy.
Amenorrhoea (Absence of periods)
It is a failure to have periods, which may be described as primary or secondary . Primary amenorrhoea is the failure to menstruate by age 16, and the main cause is the late onset of puberty. A girl may have the other signs of puberty but lack of periods. this may be a cause of a pituitary tumor, which can be found via a skull X -ray , or because of cryptomenorrohea, where menstrual bleedings does occur but it is held inside the vagina by an obstruction such as imperforate Hymen. The condition may arise because parts of the female reproductive system are missing. The most common reason for primary amenorrhoea is disruption of the relationship between the ovaries and the pituitary gland.
Secondary amenorrhoea occurs when a woman stops menstruating for 3 months or more after normal menstrual periods have been established but before the onset of the Menopause. It may arise as a result of stress, chronic diseases. Stopping the contraceptive pill, which affects hormone production in the brain , can cause amenorrhoea for up to a year, and it may arise after child birth and breast feeding. Failure of ovaries, prompting a premature menopause before the age of 40, is another cause. Amenorrhoea is permanent after the menopause or if the uterus is removed in a Hysterectomy
A discharge of white-yellow coloured mucus from the vagina. it may be normal condition, increasing before and after menstruation, but a copious vaginal discharge, especially if it has a strong smell, probably indicates an infection in the genital tract. A common cause is thrush, but it may also be because of Gonorrhoea or some other sexually transmitted disease.
A condition in which the amount of bone mass decreases to the point where the bones are fragile and easily fractured, affecting twice as many women as men. Women are particularly risk from the osteoporosis as they have a lower density of bone, because of smaller body size than men. The risk increases those who have a premature menopause, early hysterectomy, previous anorexia nervosa etc. Also women who smoke or drink excessively are at the greater risk. Weight-bearing exercise , a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D and other minerals, and not smoking can help to prevent bone loss. Hormone replacement therapy is the most effective preventive treatment but is not suitable for all women. Physiotherapy and acupunture can help to relieve pain. Osteoporosis can be detected by doing Bone Density Test
Mild cases may be eased by washing the face with a gentle toilet soap or by drying agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Severe acne may need oral treatment with antibiotics such as tetracycline or hormone therapy such as Dianette, which also acts as a Contraceptive.
Very severe acne can be treated using a derivative of Vitamin A, called tretinoin or Retin A. This cream is applied in each night and takes about 3 weeks to be effective. An oral version called Ro- accutane is very good against severe acne but carries serious risks of foetal abnormality during pregnancy.
Amenorrhoea (Absence of periods)
It is a failure to have periods, which may be described as primary or secondary . Primary amenorrhoea is the failure to menstruate by age 16, and the main cause is the late onset of puberty. A girl may have the other signs of puberty but lack of periods. this may be a cause of a pituitary tumor, which can be found via a skull X -ray , or because of cryptomenorrohea, where menstrual bleedings does occur but it is held inside the vagina by an obstruction such as imperforate Hymen. The condition may arise because parts of the female reproductive system are missing. The most common reason for primary amenorrhoea is disruption of the relationship between the ovaries and the pituitary gland.
Secondary amenorrhoea occurs when a woman stops menstruating for 3 months or more after normal menstrual periods have been established but before the onset of the Menopause. It may arise as a result of stress, chronic diseases. Stopping the contraceptive pill, which affects hormone production in the brain , can cause amenorrhoea for up to a year, and it may arise after child birth and breast feeding. Failure of ovaries, prompting a premature menopause before the age of 40, is another cause. Amenorrhoea is permanent after the menopause or if the uterus is removed in a Hysterectomy
A discharge of white-yellow coloured mucus from the vagina. it may be normal condition, increasing before and after menstruation, but a copious vaginal discharge, especially if it has a strong smell, probably indicates an infection in the genital tract. A common cause is thrush, but it may also be because of Gonorrhoea or some other sexually transmitted disease.
A condition in which the amount of bone mass decreases to the point where the bones are fragile and easily fractured, affecting twice as many women as men. Women are particularly risk from the osteoporosis as they have a lower density of bone, because of smaller body size than men. The risk increases those who have a premature menopause, early hysterectomy, previous anorexia nervosa etc. Also women who smoke or drink excessively are at the greater risk. Weight-bearing exercise , a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D and other minerals, and not smoking can help to prevent bone loss. Hormone replacement therapy is the most effective preventive treatment but is not suitable for all women. Physiotherapy and acupunture can help to relieve pain. Osteoporosis can be detected by doing Bone Density Test
Having a baby is one of the most exciting events in your life. A miracle is in progress inside you taking up the genetic characteristics from both of you and even your ancestors. Ideally, a couple should start planning for pregnancy several months in advance to have a healthy baby.
Learn what you need to know about getting pregnant, prenatal care, maximizing your chances of conception by learning about ovulation, menstrual cycles, care during pregnancy - diet, exercise etc, Also know how your baby grows during pregnancy and some common problems that can occur with pregnancy.
Becoming Pregnant
Female Reproductive System
Menstrual cycle and ovulation
Methods to know ovulation time (most fertile period)
Maximising the chances of conception
Planning a pregnancy
Signs of pregnancy
Tests to confirm pregnancy.
Learn what you need to know about getting pregnant, prenatal care, maximizing your chances of conception by learning about ovulation, menstrual cycles, care during pregnancy - diet, exercise etc, Also know how your baby grows during pregnancy and some common problems that can occur with pregnancy.
Becoming Pregnant
Female Reproductive System
Menstrual cycle and ovulation
Methods to know ovulation time (most fertile period)
Maximising the chances of conception
Planning a pregnancy
Signs of pregnancy
Tests to confirm pregnancy.
Breast Cancer
Sometimes abnormal cells develop in the breast tissue, forming a lump or tumor. This is the most common type of cancer in women.
The breast has several lobes, which are divided into lobules and end in the milk glands. Tiny ducts run from the many tiny glands, connect together, and end in the nipple. Any tissue in the breast can be affected and it will destroy the nearby tissues also. Usually the cancer arises from tissue that forms milk ducts. There are at least 15 different kinds, depending on the site of development . Both women and men can develop breast cancer, but it is very rare in men.
Breast cancer occurs more commonly in the left breast than the right and more commonly in the outer upper quadrant. The tumor may distort the shape of the breast or the texture of the skin as it becomes larger. It can be detected when it grow large enough to either be felt or seen on a mammogram.
The cancer cells spread through the specialised channels in the breast called lymphatics to the lymph nodes to form tumors. It also spread or metasize to the other parts of the body through the blood stream. It spreads through the right side of the heart to the lungs, and eventually to the other breasts, the chest wall, liver, bone and brain. Spreading of the tumor to other parts of the body can cause death.
Breast cancer can be classified by histologic appearance and location of the lesion.
Adenocarcinoma - arising from the epithelium.
Intraductal - developing within the ducts
Infiltrating - Occurring in parenchyma of the breast.
Inflammatory - reflecting rapid tumor growth, in which the overlying skin become edematous, inflamed and in-durated.
Lobular carcinoma in situ - reflecting tumor growth involving lobes of glandular tissue.
Medullary or circumscribed - large tumor with rapid growth rate.
The breast has several lobes, which are divided into lobules and end in the milk glands. Tiny ducts run from the many tiny glands, connect together, and end in the nipple. Any tissue in the breast can be affected and it will destroy the nearby tissues also. Usually the cancer arises from tissue that forms milk ducts. There are at least 15 different kinds, depending on the site of development . Both women and men can develop breast cancer, but it is very rare in men.
Breast cancer occurs more commonly in the left breast than the right and more commonly in the outer upper quadrant. The tumor may distort the shape of the breast or the texture of the skin as it becomes larger. It can be detected when it grow large enough to either be felt or seen on a mammogram.
The cancer cells spread through the specialised channels in the breast called lymphatics to the lymph nodes to form tumors. It also spread or metasize to the other parts of the body through the blood stream. It spreads through the right side of the heart to the lungs, and eventually to the other breasts, the chest wall, liver, bone and brain. Spreading of the tumor to other parts of the body can cause death.
Breast cancer can be classified by histologic appearance and location of the lesion.
Adenocarcinoma - arising from the epithelium.
Intraductal - developing within the ducts
Infiltrating - Occurring in parenchyma of the breast.
Inflammatory - reflecting rapid tumor growth, in which the overlying skin become edematous, inflamed and in-durated.
Lobular carcinoma in situ - reflecting tumor growth involving lobes of glandular tissue.
Medullary or circumscribed - large tumor with rapid growth rate.
Aging Brain
Our Brain
The brain together with the spinal cord, constitutes the nerves system and controls everything we do, and every thought we have. The brain works all the time. It is responsible for monitoring and regulating unconscious and voluntary actions in the body. It is also the intellectual centre that allows thought, learning, memory and creativity. The spinal cord is a thick bunch of nerves running from the brain down the spine. Branching off from it, is a complex network of nerves that runs to every part of body which carry signals to the rest of the body and back to the brain, from inside and outside the body. The information from outside is gathered by our five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
Effects of Aging
Two thirds of all people eventually experience some significant loss of mental lucidity and independence as a result of aging. 60 years and older experience significant cognitive decline, including declines in memory, concentration, clarity of thought, focus and judgment with an increase in the onset of several neurological problems like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke etc
Physically what happens to our brain as years go by....
Research has shown that as brain ages or as people get older, there will be a decrease in brain weight and brain volume, widening of the grooves on the surface of the brain and enlargement of the ventricular system (ventricles- a cavity or hollow part of the brain).
The decrease in brain weight and brain volume are probably due to loss of neurons (specialized cells transmitting nerve impulses) and extra cellular fluid. Man may have a 20% reduction in brain weight between the ages of forty -five and eighty -five and lose thirty to fifty thousand neurons a day from the brain and nervous system as they age. Enlargement of the ventricular system may be probably due to loss of cells surrounding the ventricles (the spaces in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid).
Probable reasons for the change...
Surprisingly there is a certain percentage of people who function very normally even when they age. So the causes of loss of memory, concentration, focus and the inability to function independently as man ages may not be only due to the aging itself as previously thought. But may be due to a combination of other factors like Brain-unhealthy behavior and habits, insufficient mental stimulation, limited thought or response control strategies, brain unhealthy diet or inadequate supplements, lack of novel experience, lack of sufficient social interactions and cooperation etc.
Ways to delay effects of aging...
To stay mentally sharp, you need to work your mental muscles each and every day. Get involved in something that keeps your brain busy such as taking up a new class, exercise, martial arts, mind games etc. Any activity that involves concentration will help exercise the mind and keep it strong.
Mental stimulation
After 40, taking up a new language or any new course or art classes, whether joining a formal class or learning on your own is beneficial. As long as you learn something new, the nerve cells in your brain will grow and the connection between them will continue to strengthen.
The brain together with the spinal cord, constitutes the nerves system and controls everything we do, and every thought we have. The brain works all the time. It is responsible for monitoring and regulating unconscious and voluntary actions in the body. It is also the intellectual centre that allows thought, learning, memory and creativity. The spinal cord is a thick bunch of nerves running from the brain down the spine. Branching off from it, is a complex network of nerves that runs to every part of body which carry signals to the rest of the body and back to the brain, from inside and outside the body. The information from outside is gathered by our five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
Effects of Aging
Two thirds of all people eventually experience some significant loss of mental lucidity and independence as a result of aging. 60 years and older experience significant cognitive decline, including declines in memory, concentration, clarity of thought, focus and judgment with an increase in the onset of several neurological problems like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke etc
Physically what happens to our brain as years go by....
Research has shown that as brain ages or as people get older, there will be a decrease in brain weight and brain volume, widening of the grooves on the surface of the brain and enlargement of the ventricular system (ventricles- a cavity or hollow part of the brain).
The decrease in brain weight and brain volume are probably due to loss of neurons (specialized cells transmitting nerve impulses) and extra cellular fluid. Man may have a 20% reduction in brain weight between the ages of forty -five and eighty -five and lose thirty to fifty thousand neurons a day from the brain and nervous system as they age. Enlargement of the ventricular system may be probably due to loss of cells surrounding the ventricles (the spaces in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid).
Probable reasons for the change...
Surprisingly there is a certain percentage of people who function very normally even when they age. So the causes of loss of memory, concentration, focus and the inability to function independently as man ages may not be only due to the aging itself as previously thought. But may be due to a combination of other factors like Brain-unhealthy behavior and habits, insufficient mental stimulation, limited thought or response control strategies, brain unhealthy diet or inadequate supplements, lack of novel experience, lack of sufficient social interactions and cooperation etc.
Ways to delay effects of aging...
To stay mentally sharp, you need to work your mental muscles each and every day. Get involved in something that keeps your brain busy such as taking up a new class, exercise, martial arts, mind games etc. Any activity that involves concentration will help exercise the mind and keep it strong.
Mental stimulation
After 40, taking up a new language or any new course or art classes, whether joining a formal class or learning on your own is beneficial. As long as you learn something new, the nerve cells in your brain will grow and the connection between them will continue to strengthen.
Nutrients are substances derived from food during the process of digestion. There are three main groups of nutrients contained in food which are needed by the body in differing amounts. They are carbohydrates, proteins, and fat. These major nutrients are needed by the body for growth, repair, maintenance and energy. In addition, the body requires fibre, vitamins and minerals which are present in varying quantities in different types of food. Good nutrition requires a balance of the right nutrients, that is, getting the proper amount, or proportion, of each one.
Our diet should provide adequate amount of all nutrients to maintain good health and physical efficiency. Daily food intake should be such that of the total consumption, about 15 to 20% is protein, 40 to 50% is complex Carbohydrates and 20 to 30% is fat.
Our diet should provide adequate amount of all nutrients to maintain good health and physical efficiency. Daily food intake should be such that of the total consumption, about 15 to 20% is protein, 40 to 50% is complex Carbohydrates and 20 to 30% is fat.
Your ideal diet at a glance
A good diet is low in fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugars; and high in vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and whole grains. Eating well can make a real difference in your health and longevity.
An ideal diet
Daily, drink 64 to 80 ounces of water/water-based beverages, i.e. 8 glasses of water
Include 2 to 4 servings of fruits each day.
Include 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day.
Include 2 to 3 servings per day of calcium rich dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese group.
Include 2 to 3 servings per day of high-protein foods like fish, poultry, meat, dry beans, eggs and nut groups.
Include 3-6 servings per day of Whole grain foods like rice, bread, cereal etc
Include 20 to 30 grams of fiber like oats, wheat bran, raisins, vegetables, grains etc. each day
Use fats, oils and sweets sparingly for energy.
Limit salt and alcohol consumption.
One serving of fruits: 1 medium apple, orange or banana; 1 slice of melon; 3/4 fruit juice.
One serving Vegetable: 1 cup raw leafy greens, 1/2 cup cooked vegetables, 3/4 cup vegetable juice.
One serving of dairy: 1 cup milk or yogurt; 1cup calcium fortified orange juice; 1 ounce reduced fat cheese.
One serving of meat: Poultry, or fish-2-3 ounces, count 1/2 cup cooked beans; 1egg; 2 table spoon nuts or peanut butter.
One serving of grains: 1slice whole wheat bread; 1 ounce cold cereal; 1/2 cup cooked cereal or rice; 1small roll biscuit; 2large crackers.
An ideal diet
Daily, drink 64 to 80 ounces of water/water-based beverages, i.e. 8 glasses of water
Include 2 to 4 servings of fruits each day.
Include 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day.
Include 2 to 3 servings per day of calcium rich dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese group.
Include 2 to 3 servings per day of high-protein foods like fish, poultry, meat, dry beans, eggs and nut groups.
Include 3-6 servings per day of Whole grain foods like rice, bread, cereal etc
Include 20 to 30 grams of fiber like oats, wheat bran, raisins, vegetables, grains etc. each day
Use fats, oils and sweets sparingly for energy.
Limit salt and alcohol consumption.
One serving of fruits: 1 medium apple, orange or banana; 1 slice of melon; 3/4 fruit juice.
One serving Vegetable: 1 cup raw leafy greens, 1/2 cup cooked vegetables, 3/4 cup vegetable juice.
One serving of dairy: 1 cup milk or yogurt; 1cup calcium fortified orange juice; 1 ounce reduced fat cheese.
One serving of meat: Poultry, or fish-2-3 ounces, count 1/2 cup cooked beans; 1egg; 2 table spoon nuts or peanut butter.
One serving of grains: 1slice whole wheat bread; 1 ounce cold cereal; 1/2 cup cooked cereal or rice; 1small roll biscuit; 2large crackers.
The amount of energy supplied by a nutrient is measured in calories. Technically, one calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Centigrade (from 14.5 to 15.5). The 'calorie' measure used commonly to discuss the energy content of food is actually a kilocalorie (KCal) or 1000 real calories; this is the amount of energy required to raise one kilogram of water (about 2.2 pounds) one degree Centigrade.
Different foods can be used by the body to produce different amounts of energy. 60 to 65 percent of your calories are spent just keeping you alive and keeping your heart beating, your kidneys filtering waste, and maintaining temperature near 98 degrees. Another 25 percent goes for pure movement. The remaining 10 percent of calories is spent processing food. Various national and international Committees have recommended allowances for different nutrients and the total calorie needs for different age groups with different activity levels.
At least a minimum amount of 1200 calories of nutritious food should be consumed a day. Fewer than that would lower iron level and slow down metabolism.
Your calorie needs depends on a lot of factors like your age, gender, size, height, weight, activity level and also the climate and environment you live in. The lower body size and the warm climate in tropical countries make the calorie requirements of people living there less than those corresponding age groups living in temperate climates. Likewise, Calorie needs will hit the highest point during your mid - twenties, so at 25, you need 2300 calories/day. And then decline at about 2% per decade, by 35 you may need only 2254 calories. This reduction in calorie needs is due partly to an increase in body fat percentage that comes with age. The gender factor also have its influence on calorie needs. Men because of their higher percentage of lean muscle tissue, need 5-10% more calories than women. But women during pregnancy and lactation will need 300- 500 calories more per day than their usual needs.
Different foods can be used by the body to produce different amounts of energy. 60 to 65 percent of your calories are spent just keeping you alive and keeping your heart beating, your kidneys filtering waste, and maintaining temperature near 98 degrees. Another 25 percent goes for pure movement. The remaining 10 percent of calories is spent processing food. Various national and international Committees have recommended allowances for different nutrients and the total calorie needs for different age groups with different activity levels.
At least a minimum amount of 1200 calories of nutritious food should be consumed a day. Fewer than that would lower iron level and slow down metabolism.
Your calorie needs depends on a lot of factors like your age, gender, size, height, weight, activity level and also the climate and environment you live in. The lower body size and the warm climate in tropical countries make the calorie requirements of people living there less than those corresponding age groups living in temperate climates. Likewise, Calorie needs will hit the highest point during your mid - twenties, so at 25, you need 2300 calories/day. And then decline at about 2% per decade, by 35 you may need only 2254 calories. This reduction in calorie needs is due partly to an increase in body fat percentage that comes with age. The gender factor also have its influence on calorie needs. Men because of their higher percentage of lean muscle tissue, need 5-10% more calories than women. But women during pregnancy and lactation will need 300- 500 calories more per day than their usual needs.
Weight Chart
Height Healthy Weight Range (Pounds) Kilograms
4'10" 109-121 49-54
5'0" 113-126 51-57
5'1" 115-129 52-58
5'2" 118-132 53-59
5'3" 121-135 54-61
5'4" 124-138 56-62
5'5" 127-141 57-63
5'6" 130-144 58-65
5'7" 133-147 60-66
5'8" 136-150 61-68
5'9" 139-153 63-69
5'10" 142-156 64-70
5'11" 145-159 65-72
6'0" 148-162 67-73
Height Healthy Weight Range
5'2" 131-141 59-63
5'3" 133-143 60-64
5'4" 135-145 61-65
5'5" 137-148 62-67
5'6" 139-151 63-68
5'7" 142-154 64-69
5'8" 145-157 65-71
5'9" 148-160 67-72
5'10" 151-163 68-73
5'11" 154-166 69-75
6'0" 157-170 71-77
6'1" 160-174 72-78
6'2" 164-178 74-80
6'3" 167-182 75-82
6'4" 171-187 77-84
Height Healthy Weight Range (Pounds) Kilograms
4'10" 109-121 49-54
5'0" 113-126 51-57
5'1" 115-129 52-58
5'2" 118-132 53-59
5'3" 121-135 54-61
5'4" 124-138 56-62
5'5" 127-141 57-63
5'6" 130-144 58-65
5'7" 133-147 60-66
5'8" 136-150 61-68
5'9" 139-153 63-69
5'10" 142-156 64-70
5'11" 145-159 65-72
6'0" 148-162 67-73
Height Healthy Weight Range
5'2" 131-141 59-63
5'3" 133-143 60-64
5'4" 135-145 61-65
5'5" 137-148 62-67
5'6" 139-151 63-68
5'7" 142-154 64-69
5'8" 145-157 65-71
5'9" 148-160 67-72
5'10" 151-163 68-73
5'11" 154-166 69-75
6'0" 157-170 71-77
6'1" 160-174 72-78
6'2" 164-178 74-80
6'3" 167-182 75-82
6'4" 171-187 77-84
Balanced Diet
The human body requires food to provide energy for all life process and for growth, repair and maintenance of cells and tissues. The dietetic needs vary according to age, sex and occupation. A balanced diet contains different types of foods in such quantities and proportions that the need for calories, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients is adequately met and small provision is made for extra nutrients to with stand short duration of leanness. Eating a well balanced diet on a regular basis and staying at your ideal weight are critical factors in maintaining your emotional and physical well-being. Being over weight/under weight can lead to certain chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Fluid intake in the form of water based drinks is also essential for good health. Water is essential for the correct functioning of the kidneys and bowels. At least 6-8 glasses of plain water should be drunk each day, more in hot weather.
Fluid intake in the form of water based drinks is also essential for good health. Water is essential for the correct functioning of the kidneys and bowels. At least 6-8 glasses of plain water should be drunk each day, more in hot weather.
Common Diseases
A hydrocele is a painless buildup of fluid more than the normal level in and around one or both testicles. A hydrocele may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired (developing after birth). A congenital hydrocele may occur in a male baby and usually will disappear during the first year of life. An acquired hydrocele may be caused by an injury to the groin area or by an unknown cause. It can occur at any age but is most common in men over age 40. A hydrocele causes the scrotum or groin area to swell. This condition needs treatment by removal of the fluid only if the swelling becomes uncomfortably large.
Orchitis is an inflammation or infection of one or both the testicles. It may be caused by a virus or bacteria following mumps, Influenza, tuberculosis or gonorrhoea (a STD), infection of the vas deference or urinary organs. It is an extremely painful condition, which results in redness, swelling and a heavy feeling in the region of the scrotum. When these symptoms are noticed, one must seek prompt medical treatment.
Treatment of orchitis includes bed rest, use of ice packs and support bandages, antibiotics and pain relievers.
VaricoceleA varicocele is an enlarged, twisted vein (varicose vein) usually occurring on the left side of the scrotum (sac holding the testicles). Some varicoceles may cause pain or decrease in size of the testes ( testicular atrophy). Decrease in circulation of blood in the testicular area, can cause an abnormally low sperm count thus affecting fertility. Treatment by surgical removal is done only if this condition causes infertility or discomfort because of the size. Even it is treated there are chances of re-occurrence. Otherwise, varicoceles are usually left alone.
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
BPH is an enlargement of the prostate gland which is a progressive condition that commonly occurs in elderly men. The condition causes pressure to be exerted on the neck of the bladder obstructing the flow of urine. Symptoms include a frequent need of pass urine, especially during the night, discomfort, pain and dribbling. It causes infections which may involve the upper urinary tract and kidneys since the bladder is not emptied efficiently. Treatment includes Prostatectomy and usage of drugs. Limiting your alcohol and coffee intake can improve the situation. It is better to consult your doctor at an early stage, not only because treatment is highly successful in bringing relief but also in order to rule out the possibility of malignancy.
Testicular Torsion
Torsion of a testicle occurs when a testicle twists on the spermatic cord. The twisting cuts off the blood supply to the testicle. If the condition is not rectified soon, the tissue of the testicle dies from lack of blood. It usually occurs in teenagers around the time of puberty, but it may occur in younger and older males as well. It can occur after strenuous physical activity or for no apparent reason. Symptoms include severe pain in the scrotum, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Often emergency surgery is needed to correct this condition.
A hydrocele is a painless buildup of fluid more than the normal level in and around one or both testicles. A hydrocele may be congenital (present at birth) or acquired (developing after birth). A congenital hydrocele may occur in a male baby and usually will disappear during the first year of life. An acquired hydrocele may be caused by an injury to the groin area or by an unknown cause. It can occur at any age but is most common in men over age 40. A hydrocele causes the scrotum or groin area to swell. This condition needs treatment by removal of the fluid only if the swelling becomes uncomfortably large.
Orchitis is an inflammation or infection of one or both the testicles. It may be caused by a virus or bacteria following mumps, Influenza, tuberculosis or gonorrhoea (a STD), infection of the vas deference or urinary organs. It is an extremely painful condition, which results in redness, swelling and a heavy feeling in the region of the scrotum. When these symptoms are noticed, one must seek prompt medical treatment.
Treatment of orchitis includes bed rest, use of ice packs and support bandages, antibiotics and pain relievers.
VaricoceleA varicocele is an enlarged, twisted vein (varicose vein) usually occurring on the left side of the scrotum (sac holding the testicles). Some varicoceles may cause pain or decrease in size of the testes ( testicular atrophy). Decrease in circulation of blood in the testicular area, can cause an abnormally low sperm count thus affecting fertility. Treatment by surgical removal is done only if this condition causes infertility or discomfort because of the size. Even it is treated there are chances of re-occurrence. Otherwise, varicoceles are usually left alone.
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)
BPH is an enlargement of the prostate gland which is a progressive condition that commonly occurs in elderly men. The condition causes pressure to be exerted on the neck of the bladder obstructing the flow of urine. Symptoms include a frequent need of pass urine, especially during the night, discomfort, pain and dribbling. It causes infections which may involve the upper urinary tract and kidneys since the bladder is not emptied efficiently. Treatment includes Prostatectomy and usage of drugs. Limiting your alcohol and coffee intake can improve the situation. It is better to consult your doctor at an early stage, not only because treatment is highly successful in bringing relief but also in order to rule out the possibility of malignancy.
Testicular Torsion
Torsion of a testicle occurs when a testicle twists on the spermatic cord. The twisting cuts off the blood supply to the testicle. If the condition is not rectified soon, the tissue of the testicle dies from lack of blood. It usually occurs in teenagers around the time of puberty, but it may occur in younger and older males as well. It can occur after strenuous physical activity or for no apparent reason. Symptoms include severe pain in the scrotum, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Often emergency surgery is needed to correct this condition.
Chronic asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes airways to tighten and narrow, causing difficulty in breathing. It is an chronic allergic condition which often begins in early childhood.
When the airways become irritated, they become narrower obstructing air from moving in and out easily. Exposure to allergies, viral infections causing cough and cold, smoke, dust and pollution causes the mucous membranes in the small branches of the sensitive airways (bronchi) to swell and fill with mucus which makes breathing a struggle. Asthma attacks can also be triggered by hard physical exertion (exercise induced asthma) and can also be related to genetics. This can cause, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and produces a wheezing sound when breathing out.
The symptoms, frequency, severity and duration of an asthma episode vary from child to child. Severity of the attack depends of the extent to which bronchi are narrowed. In a severe attack, the child may be so breathless that he may not be able to speak and may show a bluish colour of the skin and mucus membranes due to lack of oxygen in the blood. In such cases emergency medical care is needed.
When the airways become irritated, they become narrower obstructing air from moving in and out easily. Exposure to allergies, viral infections causing cough and cold, smoke, dust and pollution causes the mucous membranes in the small branches of the sensitive airways (bronchi) to swell and fill with mucus which makes breathing a struggle. Asthma attacks can also be triggered by hard physical exertion (exercise induced asthma) and can also be related to genetics. This can cause, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and produces a wheezing sound when breathing out.
The symptoms, frequency, severity and duration of an asthma episode vary from child to child. Severity of the attack depends of the extent to which bronchi are narrowed. In a severe attack, the child may be so breathless that he may not be able to speak and may show a bluish colour of the skin and mucus membranes due to lack of oxygen in the blood. In such cases emergency medical care is needed.
Chikungunya, also known as Chicken Guinea, is a rare form of viral infection caused by an alphavirus that is spread by the mosquitoes of genus Aedes i.e. Aedes Aegypti, Aedes Albopicticus (Tiger mosquito). The name of the disease is derived from the word 'Swahili', a language spoken in East Africa meaning 'that which bends up', reflecting the physique of a person suffering from the disease. Chikungunya virus is highly-infective and disabling. It is possible for a person to have Chikungunya and Dengue fever together at the same time because the infected Aedes mosquito can carry both the viruses.
The disease which is most prevalent in urban areas was first isolated in the year 1952, in the Makonde plateau, along the border between Tanzania and Mozambique. The disease was first described by Marion Robinson and W.H.R. Lumsden in 1955. Since then, the virus has caused several epidemics in Asia, including Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Burma, and Sri Lanka. In India, the first outbreak of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) was recorded in Kolkata in1963. It was followed by epidemics in Chennai, Pondicherry, and Vellore in 1964; Visakhapatnam, Rajmundry, and Kakinada in1965; Nagpur in1965; and Barsi in 1973. Recently, in 2006 a massive outbreak of the CHIKV was reported in different parts of India affecting lakhs of people. Though Chikungunya is not considered to be fatal, deaths have been reported, directly or indirectly related to this disease .
The symptoms of Chikungunya are very similar to those of dengue fever, except that there is no hemorrhagic or shock syndrome form. The incubation period is usually 1-12 days- that means the disease manifests 1 to 12 days after the bite of the mosquito. Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection can cause a debilitating illness characterized by high fever which can reach up to 104 degree Fahrenheit. There will be a sudden onset of flu-like symptoms, including severe headache, chills, rash, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain and joint pain. The normal symptoms persist usually upto 3 days but in a few cases, they may be upto 2 weeks. The joints of the extremities will become swollen and painful to touch and because of this, the disease has been classified among the Arthritic Viruses. Platelet Count in the body decrease till the disease persist. A condition known as Nuetropenia occurs at times. It is a condition in which the antibodies destroy the nuetrophils which are important white blood cells that help fight infection. Children, pregnant women and person under stress will be prone for more serious form of the complications
Laboratory confirmation is important to detect Chikungunya, since the clinical appearance of both chikungunya and dengue are similar. CHIKV is usually diagnosed by blood tests.
There is no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine available for chikungunya. Each victim had to be given separate treatment based on symptoms. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help to ease symptoms of fever and aching. The patients had to take adequate rest and drink plenty of fluids
The disease which is most prevalent in urban areas was first isolated in the year 1952, in the Makonde plateau, along the border between Tanzania and Mozambique. The disease was first described by Marion Robinson and W.H.R. Lumsden in 1955. Since then, the virus has caused several epidemics in Asia, including Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Burma, and Sri Lanka. In India, the first outbreak of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) was recorded in Kolkata in1963. It was followed by epidemics in Chennai, Pondicherry, and Vellore in 1964; Visakhapatnam, Rajmundry, and Kakinada in1965; Nagpur in1965; and Barsi in 1973. Recently, in 2006 a massive outbreak of the CHIKV was reported in different parts of India affecting lakhs of people. Though Chikungunya is not considered to be fatal, deaths have been reported, directly or indirectly related to this disease .
The symptoms of Chikungunya are very similar to those of dengue fever, except that there is no hemorrhagic or shock syndrome form. The incubation period is usually 1-12 days- that means the disease manifests 1 to 12 days after the bite of the mosquito. Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection can cause a debilitating illness characterized by high fever which can reach up to 104 degree Fahrenheit. There will be a sudden onset of flu-like symptoms, including severe headache, chills, rash, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain and joint pain. The normal symptoms persist usually upto 3 days but in a few cases, they may be upto 2 weeks. The joints of the extremities will become swollen and painful to touch and because of this, the disease has been classified among the Arthritic Viruses. Platelet Count in the body decrease till the disease persist. A condition known as Nuetropenia occurs at times. It is a condition in which the antibodies destroy the nuetrophils which are important white blood cells that help fight infection. Children, pregnant women and person under stress will be prone for more serious form of the complications
Laboratory confirmation is important to detect Chikungunya, since the clinical appearance of both chikungunya and dengue are similar. CHIKV is usually diagnosed by blood tests.
There is no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine available for chikungunya. Each victim had to be given separate treatment based on symptoms. Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help to ease symptoms of fever and aching. The patients had to take adequate rest and drink plenty of fluids
Female Infertility
Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that impairs the ability to achieve pregnancy. Primary infertility is the inability to conceive a child after regular intercourse for at least 1 year. Secondary infertility occurs in couples who have previously been pregnant at least once, but are unable to achieve another pregnancy.
Infertility affects men and women equally. About one-third of the cases are due to a male factor, one-third to the female and the remaining to the combination of both partners. Causes of infertility include a wide range of physical as well as emotional factors.
For a woman to be fertile, her reproductive organs must be healthy and functional. To conceive a child, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly and her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes for a possible union.
Infertility affects men and women equally. About one-third of the cases are due to a male factor, one-third to the female and the remaining to the combination of both partners. Causes of infertility include a wide range of physical as well as emotional factors.
For a woman to be fertile, her reproductive organs must be healthy and functional. To conceive a child, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly and her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes for a possible union.
Female Infertility
Infertility is a condition of the reproductive system that impairs the ability to achieve pregnancy. Primary infertility is the inability to conceive a child after regular intercourse for at least 1 year. Secondary infertility occurs in couples who have previously been pregnant at least once, but are unable to achieve another pregnancy.
Infertility affects men and women equally. About one-third of the cases are due to a male factor, one-third to the female and the remaining to the combination of both partners. Causes of infertility include a wide range of physical as well as emotional factors.
For a woman to be fertile, her reproductive organs must be healthy and functional. To conceive a child, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly and her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes for a possible union.
Infertility affects men and women equally. About one-third of the cases are due to a male factor, one-third to the female and the remaining to the combination of both partners. Causes of infertility include a wide range of physical as well as emotional factors.
For a woman to be fertile, her reproductive organs must be healthy and functional. To conceive a child, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly and her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes for a possible union.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are infections that can be transferred from one person to another through sexual contact and also by contact with infected blood or secretions. Most STDs are curable if diagnosed and treated in their early stages, but some of them are very dangerous that they can even cause death. Some can also lead to related conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical cancer, and complications in pregnancy. Most STDs can be avoided by practicing safe sex by limiting your partners, using condoms etc.
AIDS Chlamydia
Crabs Genital Warts
Gonorrhea Genital Herpes
Syphilis Non-Specific Urethritis
AIDS Chlamydia
Crabs Genital Warts
Gonorrhea Genital Herpes
Syphilis Non-Specific Urethritis
Kidneys & Related Diseases
Kidneys are two small bean shaped organs, each about the size of the fist, located on either side of the spine just above the waist at the small of the back. It is a part of the urinary system. Each kidney is about 10cm long, 5-6cm wide, 2.5cm thick and weighs between 115 to 170g in the adult human. The right kidney is situated slightly lower than the left because the liver pushes it down.
The outer portion of the kidney called cortex is composed of blood vessels and urine tubes and is supported by a fibrous matrix. Deep to the cortex lies the medulla which is divided into 10-20 conical regions called renal pyramids. Renal pyramids also known as the malphighian pyramids contains the secreting apparatus and tubules. Each pyramid together with the associated overlying cortex forms a renal lobe.
The tip of each pyramid (called a papilla) empties into a calyx, which empties into the renal pelvis. Pelvis forms a small reservoir for urine produced by the kidney. The whole kidney is covered by a membrane called renal capsule.
The cortex and the medulla are made up of nephrons, which is the most basic functional units of the kidney and each kidney contains about a millions of nephrons. Filtration, re-absorption and secretion of the blood occurs in the nephron. Each nephron is made of a glomerulus and a tubule. The glomerulus is like a miniature filtering or sieving device while the tubule is a tiny tubelike structure attached to the glomerulus
The outer portion of the kidney called cortex is composed of blood vessels and urine tubes and is supported by a fibrous matrix. Deep to the cortex lies the medulla which is divided into 10-20 conical regions called renal pyramids. Renal pyramids also known as the malphighian pyramids contains the secreting apparatus and tubules. Each pyramid together with the associated overlying cortex forms a renal lobe.
The tip of each pyramid (called a papilla) empties into a calyx, which empties into the renal pelvis. Pelvis forms a small reservoir for urine produced by the kidney. The whole kidney is covered by a membrane called renal capsule.
The cortex and the medulla are made up of nephrons, which is the most basic functional units of the kidney and each kidney contains about a millions of nephrons. Filtration, re-absorption and secretion of the blood occurs in the nephron. Each nephron is made of a glomerulus and a tubule. The glomerulus is like a miniature filtering or sieving device while the tubule is a tiny tubelike structure attached to the glomerulus
Common diseases
It is a common inflammatory skin disease that mainly affects the face, neck, chest and upper back. it is caused by an interaction between hormones, bacteria and sebum produced by the comedones (pimples), pustiles (lesions filled with pus) and occasionally CYSTS. This is possibly caused by changing hormone levels.
Mild cases may be eased by washing the face with a gentle toilet soap or by drying agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Severe acne may need oral treatment with antibiotics such as tetracycline or hormone therapy such as Dianette, which also acts as a Contraceptive.
Very severe acne can be treated using a derivative of Vitamin A, called tretinoin or Retin A. This cream is applied in each night and takes about 3 weeks to be effective. An oral version called Ro- accutane is very good against severe acne but carries serious risks of foetal abnormality during pregnancy.
Mild cases may be eased by washing the face with a gentle toilet soap or by drying agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Severe acne may need oral treatment with antibiotics such as tetracycline or hormone therapy such as Dianette, which also acts as a Contraceptive.
Very severe acne can be treated using a derivative of Vitamin A, called tretinoin or Retin A. This cream is applied in each night and takes about 3 weeks to be effective. An oral version called Ro- accutane is very good against severe acne but carries serious risks of foetal abnormality during pregnancy.
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which either the pancreas fail to produce enough effective insulin hormone or the body cells become resistant to the insulin hormone's effect.
The food you eat is broken down into a sugar called glucose. Glucose levels increase after a meal, but quickly return to normal as body cells remove excess glucose from the bloodstream. A hormone called insulin in the bloodstream helps cells take up glucose and use it as energy. But in some people, either the pancreas cells do not make insulin or cells of the body cannot use the insulin properly. Without insulin, cells are unable to take up glucose. Instead, high levels of glucose builds up in the bloodstream causing Diabetics (where it can cause damage to eyes, nerves, and blood vessels).
There are a number of factors, both genetic and environmental, that may increase a person's risk of developing diabetes. People who have family members with diabetes are at a higher risk for developing the disease. Although diabetes can run in families, inheriting a particular gene mutation does not guarantee that a person will get the disease. They must also have certain environmental factors that trigger diabetes, which include obesity, inactivity, increasing age, and a history of gestational diabetes.
The food you eat is broken down into a sugar called glucose. Glucose levels increase after a meal, but quickly return to normal as body cells remove excess glucose from the bloodstream. A hormone called insulin in the bloodstream helps cells take up glucose and use it as energy. But in some people, either the pancreas cells do not make insulin or cells of the body cannot use the insulin properly. Without insulin, cells are unable to take up glucose. Instead, high levels of glucose builds up in the bloodstream causing Diabetics (where it can cause damage to eyes, nerves, and blood vessels).
There are a number of factors, both genetic and environmental, that may increase a person's risk of developing diabetes. People who have family members with diabetes are at a higher risk for developing the disease. Although diabetes can run in families, inheriting a particular gene mutation does not guarantee that a person will get the disease. They must also have certain environmental factors that trigger diabetes, which include obesity, inactivity, increasing age, and a history of gestational diabetes.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder which is characterised by pauses in breathing during sleep. It occurs when enough air cannot move into your lungs while you are sleeping. Sometimes this common disorder can be very serious.
In sleep apnea, your breathing stops or gets very shallow while you are sleeping. Each pause in breathing typically lasts 10 to 20 seconds or more. These short stops in breathing can happen up to 400 times every night. If you have sleep apnea, the periods of not breathing may wake you up from a deep sleep. But it is so brief that you may not be aware that your sleep was interrupted.
In sleep apnea, your breathing stops or gets very shallow while you are sleeping. Each pause in breathing typically lasts 10 to 20 seconds or more. These short stops in breathing can happen up to 400 times every night. If you have sleep apnea, the periods of not breathing may wake you up from a deep sleep. But it is so brief that you may not be aware that your sleep was interrupted.
Vertigo which is related to balance and equilibrium, is the severe form of dizziness. Vertigo is the feeling of being unsteady or woozy. It is a sensation of spinning or whirling motion making it difficult to maintain balance while standing or sitting. Vertigo and dizziness are not the same, even though they are often used interchangeably. While all vertigo is dizziness, not all dizziness is vertigo. It is most common in elderly people, but can affect both sexes at any age.
Vertigo occurs when there is a mismatch or difference in the information sent to the brain from the three sensory organs . Among the three sensory systems i.e the vestibular system (the inner ear structures), the visual system (the eyes), and the somatosensory system (which conveys information from the skin, joint, and muscle receptors), the former is most sensitive and often involved with vertigo.
Vertigo is not a disease but only a symptom of a broad range of disorders, diseases, and conditions. It usually occurs when there's a problem with the middle ear balance mechanisms, or with the brain, or with the nerve connections between the brain and the middle ear.
Vertigo occurs when there is a mismatch or difference in the information sent to the brain from the three sensory organs . Among the three sensory systems i.e the vestibular system (the inner ear structures), the visual system (the eyes), and the somatosensory system (which conveys information from the skin, joint, and muscle receptors), the former is most sensitive and often involved with vertigo.
Vertigo is not a disease but only a symptom of a broad range of disorders, diseases, and conditions. It usually occurs when there's a problem with the middle ear balance mechanisms, or with the brain, or with the nerve connections between the brain and the middle ear.
Vertigo which is related to balance and equilibrium, is the severe form of dizziness. Vertigo is the feeling of being unsteady or woozy. It is a sensation of spinning or whirling motion making it difficult to maintain balance while standing or sitting. Vertigo and dizziness are not the same, even though they are often used interchangeably. While all vertigo is dizziness, not all dizziness is vertigo. It is most common in elderly people, but can affect both sexes at any age.
Vertigo occurs when there is a mismatch or difference in the information sent to the brain from the three sensory organs . Among the three sensory systems i.e the vestibular system (the inner ear structures), the visual system (the eyes), and the somatosensory system (which conveys information from the skin, joint, and muscle receptors), the former is most sensitive and often involved with vertigo.
Vertigo is not a disease but only a symptom of a broad range of disorders, diseases, and conditions. It usually occurs when there's a problem with the middle ear balance mechanisms, or with the brain, or with the nerve connections between the brain and the middle ear.
Vertigo occurs when there is a mismatch or difference in the information sent to the brain from the three sensory organs . Among the three sensory systems i.e the vestibular system (the inner ear structures), the visual system (the eyes), and the somatosensory system (which conveys information from the skin, joint, and muscle receptors), the former is most sensitive and often involved with vertigo.
Vertigo is not a disease but only a symptom of a broad range of disorders, diseases, and conditions. It usually occurs when there's a problem with the middle ear balance mechanisms, or with the brain, or with the nerve connections between the brain and the middle ear.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Pelvic Health
Pelvic health conditions affect a large number of Canadian women. The conditions discussed in this health centre may cause chronic pain and menstrual and/or urinary irregularities. They may also interfere with a woman's sex life. Despite these realities, many pelvic health conditions are under-reported or neglected when they are reported.
The treatment of pelvic health conditions is often a complex trial-and-error process, which requires a real partnership between a woman and her care providers. Effective care may require input from a variety of health professionals, including those who specialize in reproductive health, mental health, the treatment of the gastrointestinal and urinary systems, the skin and the treatment of chronic pain.
Use the links on the left of this page to learn more about each of these conditions.
The treatment of pelvic health conditions is often a complex trial-and-error process, which requires a real partnership between a woman and her care providers. Effective care may require input from a variety of health professionals, including those who specialize in reproductive health, mental health, the treatment of the gastrointestinal and urinary systems, the skin and the treatment of chronic pain.
Use the links on the left of this page to learn more about each of these conditions.
Choosing to have a baby means choosing to begin one of life's most challenging and rewarding experiences. This site offers you information about what to expect during pregnancy, birth and the first few months of your child's life. Of course, that is only the beginning of the story. If you are thinking about having a baby, you are probably contemplating how your life will change. Consider how a child will affect your:
other children
physical well-being
This is an important time for you to think about the people in your life and to imagine your future. Do you have the social support you think you will need to support a child? How would you cope with a financial crisis? What will you want your child to feel about crucial issues like religion, relationships and work?
If you have a partner, what values do you share and what areas do you need to negotiate? What would life be like for you and your child if your relationship with your current partner broke down?
These are the big picture issues in everyone's life. Having a child is likely to bring up a lot of them, so if you and your partner are considering a child, now is the time to start talking!
There are the practical issues to consider as well: your finances, your living space, the adjustments you will have to make to one, or maybe two, careers. This is an opportunity for you to focus on your physical health too. The link below (A healthy start) offers information about ways you can take care of yourself and changes that you can make to be as healthy as possible, when contemplating a pregnancy.
If you have spent a lot of energy up until now trying to avoid pregnancy, you may expect getting pregnant to be easy. In fact, it usually takes four to six months to get pregnant, and for some women, much longer. Visit the Fertility Awareness section of our Sexual Health Centre to learn at what point in your menstrual cycle you are most likely to get pregnant. Although some women use the Fertility Awareness method to avoid pregnancy, you can also use it to optimize your chances of pregnancy.
If you are concerned because you are having difficulty getting pregnant, use the link below (The possibility of infertility) to learn about if and when you should consider fertility testing.
So, how will you know if you do get pregnant? Pregnancy tests can now be easily purchased from your local drugstore. Use the link below (Pregnancy testing) to explore when to use these tests and what they measure.
other children
physical well-being
This is an important time for you to think about the people in your life and to imagine your future. Do you have the social support you think you will need to support a child? How would you cope with a financial crisis? What will you want your child to feel about crucial issues like religion, relationships and work?
If you have a partner, what values do you share and what areas do you need to negotiate? What would life be like for you and your child if your relationship with your current partner broke down?
These are the big picture issues in everyone's life. Having a child is likely to bring up a lot of them, so if you and your partner are considering a child, now is the time to start talking!
There are the practical issues to consider as well: your finances, your living space, the adjustments you will have to make to one, or maybe two, careers. This is an opportunity for you to focus on your physical health too. The link below (A healthy start) offers information about ways you can take care of yourself and changes that you can make to be as healthy as possible, when contemplating a pregnancy.
If you have spent a lot of energy up until now trying to avoid pregnancy, you may expect getting pregnant to be easy. In fact, it usually takes four to six months to get pregnant, and for some women, much longer. Visit the Fertility Awareness section of our Sexual Health Centre to learn at what point in your menstrual cycle you are most likely to get pregnant. Although some women use the Fertility Awareness method to avoid pregnancy, you can also use it to optimize your chances of pregnancy.
If you are concerned because you are having difficulty getting pregnant, use the link below (The possibility of infertility) to learn about if and when you should consider fertility testing.
So, how will you know if you do get pregnant? Pregnancy tests can now be easily purchased from your local drugstore. Use the link below (Pregnancy testing) to explore when to use these tests and what they measure.
Pregnancy is an exciting time for a woman and her family. It can also be a difficult and challenging time. A pregnant woman and her partner have many decisions to make. They also have lots of expectations and probably at least a few fears.
The Pregnancy Health Centre will help you learn about what to expect during the months of your pregnancy. We will discuss ways that you can plan for your baby and stay healthy while you’re pregnant. We will also explore the experience of childbirth, including the strategies that are available to control the pain of labour.
Lastly, the pregnancy health centre offers information about caring for a newborn, including tips on breastfeeding, bathing, diapers and more!
Each day, 1000 women have a baby in Canada. Congratulations if you are about to be one of them!
The Pregnancy Health Centre will help you learn about what to expect during the months of your pregnancy. We will discuss ways that you can plan for your baby and stay healthy while you’re pregnant. We will also explore the experience of childbirth, including the strategies that are available to control the pain of labour.
Lastly, the pregnancy health centre offers information about caring for a newborn, including tips on breastfeeding, bathing, diapers and more!
Each day, 1000 women have a baby in Canada. Congratulations if you are about to be one of them!
Sexual Health
Sexuality is a part of every woman's life. All of our bodies have the potential to feel physical excitement and pleasure.
Some women choose never to be sexually active, but most women explore their sexual desires in some way, at some point in their lives. Having the freedom to choose how to express yourself sexually (or how not to) is an important part of a woman's sexual health.
Sexual health also means understanding your body and how it works. Women who understand their bodies can make better choices about the sexual activities that they enjoy. They can also choose to become pregnant or they can choose to avoid it. Being knowledgeable about sexually transmitted infections can help women protect themselves and their partners from disease.
Understanding your body is an important part of sexual health, but sexual health also involves being comfortable with yourself and your sexual desires. It means having healthy relationships with others. Sexual health can also mean learning to identify and leave violent or abusive relationships and learning to cope with the after effects of such relationships.
Some women choose never to be sexually active, but most women explore their sexual desires in some way, at some point in their lives. Having the freedom to choose how to express yourself sexually (or how not to) is an important part of a woman's sexual health.
Sexual health also means understanding your body and how it works. Women who understand their bodies can make better choices about the sexual activities that they enjoy. They can also choose to become pregnant or they can choose to avoid it. Being knowledgeable about sexually transmitted infections can help women protect themselves and their partners from disease.
Understanding your body is an important part of sexual health, but sexual health also involves being comfortable with yourself and your sexual desires. It means having healthy relationships with others. Sexual health can also mean learning to identify and leave violent or abusive relationships and learning to cope with the after effects of such relationships.
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. Recent studies suggest that it is becoming much more common among women, and the increase is especially dramatic among young women. According to the Canadian Dermatology Association, a person born in 1930 faces a 1-in-500 chance of developing nonmelanoma skin cancer in his or her lifetime, whereas a person born after 1994 faces a 1-in-7 chance.
This increase has occurred because more people are overexposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. People are living longer. People of this generation have often been exposed to the sun more than their parents because they tend to have more opportunity for leisure activities in the sun. The thinning of the earth's ozone layer (caused by pollution and chemicals) also contributes to the increased occurrence of nonmelanoma skin cancer.
The two most common types of nonmelanoma skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These account for 98 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers. Men are slightly more likely than women to have basal cell carcinoma and two to three times more likely to have squamous cell carcinoma.
The risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer is higher for people who:
have spent too much time in the sun without protection (the sun is the main source of UV radiation)
use tanning lamps and tanning booths (also sources of UV radiation)
have light-coloured eyes, hair and skin (especially skin that freckles or burns easily)
have had sunburns as children or teenagers
have a family history of skin cancer
have been exposed to arsenic (a heavy metal used in making some insecticides) or other industrial chemicals (such as tar, coal and paraffin)
have been exposed to therapeutic radiation
have a history of non-cancerous skin growths
have had chronic or severe skin inflammation or injury
have a history of immune disorders
This increase has occurred because more people are overexposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. People are living longer. People of this generation have often been exposed to the sun more than their parents because they tend to have more opportunity for leisure activities in the sun. The thinning of the earth's ozone layer (caused by pollution and chemicals) also contributes to the increased occurrence of nonmelanoma skin cancer.
The two most common types of nonmelanoma skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These account for 98 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers. Men are slightly more likely than women to have basal cell carcinoma and two to three times more likely to have squamous cell carcinoma.
The risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer is higher for people who:
have spent too much time in the sun without protection (the sun is the main source of UV radiation)
use tanning lamps and tanning booths (also sources of UV radiation)
have light-coloured eyes, hair and skin (especially skin that freckles or burns easily)
have had sunburns as children or teenagers
have a family history of skin cancer
have been exposed to arsenic (a heavy metal used in making some insecticides) or other industrial chemicals (such as tar, coal and paraffin)
have been exposed to therapeutic radiation
have a history of non-cancerous skin growths
have had chronic or severe skin inflammation or injury
have a history of immune disorders
Melanoma Skin Cancer
The number of melanoma cases worldwide is increasing faster than any other cancer. Since 1973, the number of new melanoma cases in Canada has doubled. It is estimated that in 2007, 2100 women were diagnosed with melanoma.
Melanoma most often appears on the trunk (and back) and on the backs of the legs of fair-skinned men and women.
People with naturally darker skin have a lower risk of melanoma, but darker skin is no guarantee that melanoma won't develop. People with darker skin can develop melanomas on the palms of their hands, on the soles of their feet, and under their nails.
Am I at Risk?
Each of the following increases your risk for melanoma. The more of the following risk factors you have, the higher the risk.
lots of moles
blond or red hair
skin that burns easily and doesn't tan
a childhood spent in the tropics
a history of sunburns
an occupation that involves working outside – for example, at a swimming pool, golf course or construction site
exposure to environmental carcinogens, such as coal, tar and arsenic compounds in pesticides and radium
two or more members of your family have had melanoma
a history of previous melanomas
Melanoma most often appears on the trunk (and back) and on the backs of the legs of fair-skinned men and women.
People with naturally darker skin have a lower risk of melanoma, but darker skin is no guarantee that melanoma won't develop. People with darker skin can develop melanomas on the palms of their hands, on the soles of their feet, and under their nails.
Am I at Risk?
Each of the following increases your risk for melanoma. The more of the following risk factors you have, the higher the risk.
lots of moles
blond or red hair
skin that burns easily and doesn't tan
a childhood spent in the tropics
a history of sunburns
an occupation that involves working outside – for example, at a swimming pool, golf course or construction site
exposure to environmental carcinogens, such as coal, tar and arsenic compounds in pesticides and radium
two or more members of your family have had melanoma
a history of previous melanomas
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. It accounts for nearly half of all cancers reported.
There are two types of skin cancer: melanoma and nonmelanoma.
Cancers that develop from melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells of the skin, are called melanoma. Melanomas are much rarer, representing about four percent of skin cancers. Melanomas are generally more serious than nonmelanoma skin cancer. Of the people who ultimately die from their skin cancer, 79 percent have melanoma.
Cancers that develop from other skin cells are called nonmelanoma skin cancer. Nonmelanoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It is almost always cured when found and treated early.
There are two types of skin cancer: melanoma and nonmelanoma.
Cancers that develop from melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells of the skin, are called melanoma. Melanomas are much rarer, representing about four percent of skin cancers. Melanomas are generally more serious than nonmelanoma skin cancer. Of the people who ultimately die from their skin cancer, 79 percent have melanoma.
Cancers that develop from other skin cells are called nonmelanoma skin cancer. Nonmelanoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It is almost always cured when found and treated early.
Surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy are the most common treatments for breast cancer.
Local and Systemic Therapy
Local therapies such as surgery and radiation are used to treat the main or primary breast tumour. Systemic therapies such as chemotherapy and hormonal therapy are given through the bloodstream to reach cancer cells that may have spread beyond the breast.
Local and Systemic Therapy
Local therapies such as surgery and radiation are used to treat the main or primary breast tumour. Systemic therapies such as chemotherapy and hormonal therapy are given through the bloodstream to reach cancer cells that may have spread beyond the breast.
Although there is no certain way to prevent breast cancer, studies have suggested that regular exercise can reduce breast cancer risk. Researchers are also impact of diet on breast cancer and the possibility of using chemotherapy for prevention in some women who have a high risk of developing breast cancer
There are already some options available for women at high risk for breast cancer.
Genetic testing
Genetic testing can tell if a woman carries an abnormal gene which increases her risk of breast cancer, but it cannot predict whether a woman will get the disease. Genetic testing is only appropriate for women with a family or personal history of breast cancer. Testing needs to be proceeded by genetic counselling to help understand the implications of pursuing testing. Women who carry mutations in breast cancer genes will also have an increased risk of ovarian cancer.
The drug tamoxifen has been used for many years as a treatment for some breast cancer. Recent studies show that women at high risk for breast cancer are less likely to develop the disease if they take tamoxifen. Tamoxifen does have risks as well as benefits. These factors must be weighted carefully in the case of each individual woman. Research on the use of Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer is still ongoing.
Prophylactic mastectomy
Women at very high risk might consider a prophylactic (preventive) mastectomy. This is an operation in which one or both breasts are removed before there is any known breast cancer. Women who consider a prophylactic mastectomy usually have one or more of the following:
inherited mutated genes
an earlier breast cancer
a strong family history of breast cancer
a diagnosis of certain conditions such as lobular carcinoma in situ
It is still possible to get breast cancer after a prophylactic mastectomy but it is thought to reduce the risk by about 90 percent.
There are already some options available for women at high risk for breast cancer.
Genetic testing
Genetic testing can tell if a woman carries an abnormal gene which increases her risk of breast cancer, but it cannot predict whether a woman will get the disease. Genetic testing is only appropriate for women with a family or personal history of breast cancer. Testing needs to be proceeded by genetic counselling to help understand the implications of pursuing testing. Women who carry mutations in breast cancer genes will also have an increased risk of ovarian cancer.
The drug tamoxifen has been used for many years as a treatment for some breast cancer. Recent studies show that women at high risk for breast cancer are less likely to develop the disease if they take tamoxifen. Tamoxifen does have risks as well as benefits. These factors must be weighted carefully in the case of each individual woman. Research on the use of Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer is still ongoing.
Prophylactic mastectomy
Women at very high risk might consider a prophylactic (preventive) mastectomy. This is an operation in which one or both breasts are removed before there is any known breast cancer. Women who consider a prophylactic mastectomy usually have one or more of the following:
inherited mutated genes
an earlier breast cancer
a strong family history of breast cancer
a diagnosis of certain conditions such as lobular carcinoma in situ
It is still possible to get breast cancer after a prophylactic mastectomy but it is thought to reduce the risk by about 90 percent.
Although there is no certain way to prevent breast cancer, studies have suggested that regular exercise can reduce breast cancer risk. Researchers are also impact of diet on breast cancer and the possibility of using chemotherapy for prevention in some women who have a high risk of developing breast cancer
There are already some options available for women at high risk for breast cancer.
Genetic testing
Genetic testing can tell if a woman carries an abnormal gene which increases her risk of breast cancer, but it cannot predict whether a woman will get the disease. Genetic testing is only appropriate for women with a family or personal history of breast cancer. Testing needs to be proceeded by genetic counselling to help understand the implications of pursuing testing. Women who carry mutations in breast cancer genes will also have an increased risk of ovarian cancer.
The drug tamoxifen has been used for many years as a treatment for some breast cancer. Recent studies show that women at high risk for breast cancer are less likely to develop the disease if they take tamoxifen. Tamoxifen does have risks as well as benefits. These factors must be weighted carefully in the case of each individual woman. Research on the use of Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer is still ongoing.
Prophylactic mastectomy
Women at very high risk might consider a prophylactic (preventive) mastectomy. This is an operation in which one or both breasts are removed before there is any known breast cancer. Women who consider a prophylactic mastectomy usually have one or more of the following:
inherited mutated genes
an earlier breast cancer
a strong family history of breast cancer
a diagnosis of certain conditions such as lobular carcinoma in situ
It is still possible to get breast cancer after a prophylactic mastectomy but it is thought to reduce the risk by about 90 percent.
There are already some options available for women at high risk for breast cancer.
Genetic testing
Genetic testing can tell if a woman carries an abnormal gene which increases her risk of breast cancer, but it cannot predict whether a woman will get the disease. Genetic testing is only appropriate for women with a family or personal history of breast cancer. Testing needs to be proceeded by genetic counselling to help understand the implications of pursuing testing. Women who carry mutations in breast cancer genes will also have an increased risk of ovarian cancer.
The drug tamoxifen has been used for many years as a treatment for some breast cancer. Recent studies show that women at high risk for breast cancer are less likely to develop the disease if they take tamoxifen. Tamoxifen does have risks as well as benefits. These factors must be weighted carefully in the case of each individual woman. Research on the use of Tamoxifen to prevent breast cancer is still ongoing.
Prophylactic mastectomy
Women at very high risk might consider a prophylactic (preventive) mastectomy. This is an operation in which one or both breasts are removed before there is any known breast cancer. Women who consider a prophylactic mastectomy usually have one or more of the following:
inherited mutated genes
an earlier breast cancer
a strong family history of breast cancer
a diagnosis of certain conditions such as lobular carcinoma in situ
It is still possible to get breast cancer after a prophylactic mastectomy but it is thought to reduce the risk by about 90 percent.
Living with Breast Cancer
If breast cancer is discovered and treated when it is still localized to the breast, the five-year survival rate may be as high as 90 percent. In addition, the discovery of breast cancer at a very early stage may permit effective, local treatment with less radical surgical procedures, such as a lumpectomy.
Once breast cancer has spread beyond the breast to the lymph nodes in the armpit (axilla), five-year survival rates are reduced. This is why early detection is important. Remember, however, that statistics apply only to large groups of people and can never predict the outcome in any one person. As well, progress with new treatments is always being made.
After surgery, women have a number of options to make the loss of breast tissue less obvious. These options include:
Breast Prosthesis
If you are considering buying a prosthesis, financial assistance forms are available through the pre-admission clinic at Women's College campus or from a Reach to Recovery Volunteer. Reach to Recovery is a program of the Canadian Cancer Society.
Reconstructive or breast implant surgery
Reconstructive surgery is an operation performed to restore a breast's normal appearance after a mastectomy. Increasing numbers of women are opting for reconstruction over an external prosthesis. Some women choose to have their reconstruction done at the same time as the mastectomy. Others choose to wait. Deciding to have reconstructive surgery is not a decision to rush into. Instead, take time to gather information and talk to your doctor about what is best for you.
Breast reconstruction is accomplished using either a tissue expander with a breast implant or a woman's own tissue - called a TRAM flap (transverse rectus abdominus musculotaneous) or a LATS (latissimus dorsi) flap. Each of these procedures is explained below.
Saline implant with tissue expander
In order to produce a pocket for the breast implant, a tissue expander or empty sack is implanted behind a muscle on your chest. Over a period of three to six months, sterile saline is injected into the expander through a valve. Once the pocket is at a sufficient size, the plastic surgeon will wait three months before surgically removing the expander and replacing it with a breast implant.
TRAM flap
This is a surgical technique which uses the abdominal skin, fat and muscle tissue to create the breast. Women who undergo this operation must have a sufficient amount of abdominal tissue. Tissue from the abdominal area is tunnelled to the chest and shaped to form a natural appearing breast mound. The site from where the tissue was removed is closed giving a "tummy tuck" effect. This operation leaves a scar across the entire width of the lower abdomen that can be hidden by a swimsuit or underwear.
LATS flap
This surgical procedure uses the broad fan-shaped back muscle (latissimus dorsi) with the overlying skin to create the breast. A breast implant is usually added to provide volume. The operation leaves a visible scar on the back.
Once breast cancer has spread beyond the breast to the lymph nodes in the armpit (axilla), five-year survival rates are reduced. This is why early detection is important. Remember, however, that statistics apply only to large groups of people and can never predict the outcome in any one person. As well, progress with new treatments is always being made.
After surgery, women have a number of options to make the loss of breast tissue less obvious. These options include:
Breast Prosthesis
If you are considering buying a prosthesis, financial assistance forms are available through the pre-admission clinic at Women's College campus or from a Reach to Recovery Volunteer. Reach to Recovery is a program of the Canadian Cancer Society.
Reconstructive or breast implant surgery
Reconstructive surgery is an operation performed to restore a breast's normal appearance after a mastectomy. Increasing numbers of women are opting for reconstruction over an external prosthesis. Some women choose to have their reconstruction done at the same time as the mastectomy. Others choose to wait. Deciding to have reconstructive surgery is not a decision to rush into. Instead, take time to gather information and talk to your doctor about what is best for you.
Breast reconstruction is accomplished using either a tissue expander with a breast implant or a woman's own tissue - called a TRAM flap (transverse rectus abdominus musculotaneous) or a LATS (latissimus dorsi) flap. Each of these procedures is explained below.
Saline implant with tissue expander
In order to produce a pocket for the breast implant, a tissue expander or empty sack is implanted behind a muscle on your chest. Over a period of three to six months, sterile saline is injected into the expander through a valve. Once the pocket is at a sufficient size, the plastic surgeon will wait three months before surgically removing the expander and replacing it with a breast implant.
TRAM flap
This is a surgical technique which uses the abdominal skin, fat and muscle tissue to create the breast. Women who undergo this operation must have a sufficient amount of abdominal tissue. Tissue from the abdominal area is tunnelled to the chest and shaped to form a natural appearing breast mound. The site from where the tissue was removed is closed giving a "tummy tuck" effect. This operation leaves a scar across the entire width of the lower abdomen that can be hidden by a swimsuit or underwear.
LATS flap
This surgical procedure uses the broad fan-shaped back muscle (latissimus dorsi) with the overlying skin to create the breast. A breast implant is usually added to provide volume. The operation leaves a visible scar on the back.
The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass. A lump that is painless, hard and has irregular edges is more likely to be cancer. Some cancers can be tender, soft and rounded; so it's important to have all new lumps checked by your doctor.
Other warning signs include persistent breast changes such as:
a thickening or lump in the breast
dimpling or pulling of the skin
any changes in breast shape or contour
discharge from the nipples, other than breast milk
a retraction, redness or scaliness of the nipple that does not go away
pain or tenderness in the breast
a change in texture
a change in size
itchiness, inflammation or hot-feeling skin
These are usually caused by benign conditions but is occasionally a warning sign of breast cancer.
How Is Breast Cancer Found?
Chances for successful treatment are better the earlier breast cancer is detected. Early breast cancer does not usually produce symptoms, so it's important for women to follow the guidelines outlined in the following section.
Methods of early detection:
There are several ways to help a woman find breast cancer early in the disease. These include:
Breast self-examination - is an exam in which you feel for any changes in the breast. While breast self-examination (BSE) helps you learn what is normal for your breasts so that you will notice changes, mammography and clinical breast examinations are the most reliable methods of finding breast cancer, according to the Canadian Cancer Society. Women who do BSE should do this examination monthly.
How a breast self-examination is done
Clinical breast exam - This is an exam performed by a health care professional to feel for any changes in the breast. Women should have a clinical breast exam at least every two years if over the age of 40.
How a clinical breast exam is done
Mammography - A mammogram is a low dose x-ray of the breast which can find small breast cancer lumps or precancerous changes in the breast. These lumps may be so small a woman can't feel them with her fingers.
A screening mammogram is used to look for breast disease in women who have no breast concerns. A diagnostic mammogram is used when a woman has symptoms or if there are other barriers to accurate testing like breast implants.
The Canadian Cancer Society recommends the following guidelines:
Have a mammogram every two years if you are between the ages of 50 and 69. If you are between the ages of 40 and 49, discuss your risk of breast cancer and the benefits and risks of mammography with your doctor. If you are over 70, talk to your doctor about a screening program for you.
Other warning signs include persistent breast changes such as:
a thickening or lump in the breast
dimpling or pulling of the skin
any changes in breast shape or contour
discharge from the nipples, other than breast milk
a retraction, redness or scaliness of the nipple that does not go away
pain or tenderness in the breast
a change in texture
a change in size
itchiness, inflammation or hot-feeling skin
These are usually caused by benign conditions but is occasionally a warning sign of breast cancer.
How Is Breast Cancer Found?
Chances for successful treatment are better the earlier breast cancer is detected. Early breast cancer does not usually produce symptoms, so it's important for women to follow the guidelines outlined in the following section.
Methods of early detection:
There are several ways to help a woman find breast cancer early in the disease. These include:
Breast self-examination - is an exam in which you feel for any changes in the breast. While breast self-examination (BSE) helps you learn what is normal for your breasts so that you will notice changes, mammography and clinical breast examinations are the most reliable methods of finding breast cancer, according to the Canadian Cancer Society. Women who do BSE should do this examination monthly.
How a breast self-examination is done
Clinical breast exam - This is an exam performed by a health care professional to feel for any changes in the breast. Women should have a clinical breast exam at least every two years if over the age of 40.
How a clinical breast exam is done
Mammography - A mammogram is a low dose x-ray of the breast which can find small breast cancer lumps or precancerous changes in the breast. These lumps may be so small a woman can't feel them with her fingers.
A screening mammogram is used to look for breast disease in women who have no breast concerns. A diagnostic mammogram is used when a woman has symptoms or if there are other barriers to accurate testing like breast implants.
The Canadian Cancer Society recommends the following guidelines:
Have a mammogram every two years if you are between the ages of 50 and 69. If you are between the ages of 40 and 49, discuss your risk of breast cancer and the benefits and risks of mammography with your doctor. If you are over 70, talk to your doctor about a screening program for you.
The breast

After a woman has a baby, glands in the breast produce and release milk.
These milk-producing glands are called lobules. The tubes that connect them to the nipple are called ducts.
Besides lobules and ducts, the breast is also made up of fatty, connective and lymphatic tissue.
A lump in your breast is not necessarily cancer. A variety of benign conditions can also cause a lump in your breast.
Use the links below to learn more about benign breast tumours and breast cancers
Breast Cancer

Breast cancer begins in the breast tissue. It is characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells, which usually starts in the milk sacs or ducts. The tumour may be hard or soft and may sometimes be described as a thickening of the breast. Breast cancers are almost always painless.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, other than skin cancer. It rarely affects men. One woman in nine will develop breast cancer by age 85. It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women, after lung cancer. It is the leading cause of cancer death among women aged 40 to 55.
The National Cancer Institute of Canada estimates that in 2007, an estimated 22,300 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 5,300 will die of it.
About Apple

Apple Varieties
Below you will find the most complete apple variety listing on the web. Our Apple Variety listings includes edible apples and crab apples that have been planted in significant numbers in the United States. It does not include: 1) flowering crabs, rootstocks or inedibles; 2) varieties that have never been made public; 3) obscure varieties that have not come to our attention; 4) and many of the International Apple Variety List (coming soon) that have been grown almost exclusively overseas.
We show US Plant Patent numbers and indicate Registered Trademarks for varieties that have them. We urge you to respect the arm of the apple industry that brings us our great new varieties. It is illegal to propogate patented varieties without permission of the patent holder.
A variety list and its associated descriptive information are subject to a great number of limitations. There are many historical questions that may never be answered, such as where a variety originated and when it was discovered. There are numerous varieties that are called by several names. However, there are also some answers that may yet come, as in cases where DNA testing determines the true parents of varieties that have, for many years, been considered offspring of other parents.

Preventive health, also known as preventative health is best described as "warding off disease".
It is a process of making small regular decisions and taking positive action on health, diet, exercise and lifestyle.
These actions give your body the best chance of remaining free from disease.
I built this this website answer questions on Preventive Health. In addition I want to guide you to other credible resources including books, medical reports, new health professionals and authors, quality health websites and much more.
This Guide has a focus on wellness rather than sickness.
My purpose is to provide you with high quality information on protecting your health particularly in relation to the prevention of chronic degenerative disease.
Some research suggests that it may even be possible to reverse the damage already caused in some chronic diseases such as arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke using the right methods of preventive health.
A growing number of people are looking for better answers to their health questions and information on chronic disease prevention.
My website also gives answers to these questions on preventive health
• Can you slow the aging process with antioxidants and nutritional supplements?
• How can you increase your body’s natural healing systems?
• Are prescription drugs the best answer to combat chronic degenerative disease?
• Can you protect your body against cancer?
• Is managing your cholesterol level really the best way to preventing heart disease?
• What is the new medical research saying about the real cause of Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases?
• What is the bad side of oxygen; are we ‘rusting’ inside?
• Do most Doctors know much about preventative nutritional medicine?
• Are Government recommended allowances, known as RDI’s and RDA’s, a relevant measure of nutrients for optimizing your health?
The traditional approach to preventive health in relation to diseases such as arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke is just not working.
Take a good look at any recent medical statistics on these degenerative diseases.
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