It is a common inflammatory skin disease that mainly affects the face, neck, chest and upper back. it is caused by an interaction between hormones, bacteria and sebum produced by the comedones (pimples), pustiles (lesions filled with pus) and occasionally CYSTS. This is possibly caused by changing hormone levels.
Mild cases may be eased by washing the face with a gentle toilet soap or by drying agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Severe acne may need oral treatment with antibiotics such as tetracycline or hormone therapy such as Dianette, which also acts as a Contraceptive.
Very severe acne can be treated using a derivative of Vitamin A, called tretinoin or Retin A. This cream is applied in each night and takes about 3 weeks to be effective. An oral version called Ro- accutane is very good against severe acne but carries serious risks of foetal abnormality during pregnancy.
Amenorrhoea (Absence of periods)
It is a failure to have periods, which may be described as primary or secondary . Primary amenorrhoea is the failure to menstruate by age 16, and the main cause is the late onset of puberty. A girl may have the other signs of puberty but lack of periods. this may be a cause of a pituitary tumor, which can be found via a skull X -ray , or because of cryptomenorrohea, where menstrual bleedings does occur but it is held inside the vagina by an obstruction such as imperforate Hymen. The condition may arise because parts of the female reproductive system are missing. The most common reason for primary amenorrhoea is disruption of the relationship between the ovaries and the pituitary gland.
Secondary amenorrhoea occurs when a woman stops menstruating for 3 months or more after normal menstrual periods have been established but before the onset of the Menopause. It may arise as a result of stress, chronic diseases. Stopping the contraceptive pill, which affects hormone production in the brain , can cause amenorrhoea for up to a year, and it may arise after child birth and breast feeding. Failure of ovaries, prompting a premature menopause before the age of 40, is another cause. Amenorrhoea is permanent after the menopause or if the uterus is removed in a Hysterectomy
A discharge of white-yellow coloured mucus from the vagina. it may be normal condition, increasing before and after menstruation, but a copious vaginal discharge, especially if it has a strong smell, probably indicates an infection in the genital tract. A common cause is thrush, but it may also be because of Gonorrhoea or some other sexually transmitted disease.
A condition in which the amount of bone mass decreases to the point where the bones are fragile and easily fractured, affecting twice as many women as men. Women are particularly risk from the osteoporosis as they have a lower density of bone, because of smaller body size than men. The risk increases those who have a premature menopause, early hysterectomy, previous anorexia nervosa etc. Also women who smoke or drink excessively are at the greater risk. Weight-bearing exercise , a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D and other minerals, and not smoking can help to prevent bone loss. Hormone replacement therapy is the most effective preventive treatment but is not suitable for all women. Physiotherapy and acupunture can help to relieve pain. Osteoporosis can be detected by doing Bone Density Test
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