Lat Pull-down Targets Following Muscles:
Lattisimus dorsi, Rhomboids
Also used Biceps, Posterior deltoids, Fore-arms.
Starting Position of Lat Pull-down
* Hold the bar, with your hands just over shoulder-width apart and palms facing forwards.
* Sit on the seat, adjusting it so that your knees fit snugly under the roller pads. Your arms should be fully extended.
The Movements of Lat Pull-down
* Pull the bar down towards your chest until it touches the upper part of your chest, arching your back slightly.
* Hold for a count of two; then slowly return to the starting position.
Lat Pull-down Technique and Tips
* Keep your trunk as still as possible - avoid swinging backwards.
* Focus on keeping your elbows directly under the bar and squeezing the shoulderblades together.
* Do not shorten the return phase of the
movement - extend your arms fully.
* Do not lean back too far.
* Use wrist straps to improve your grip when using heavy weights.
* Do not pull the bar down behind your neck. This can stress the weaker muscles in the shoulders and reduce the work done by the back muscles.
Variations of Lat Pull-down
Close grip
This variation works the inner portion of the latissimus dorsi rather than the outer portion, thus creating more depth to the mid-back. Use a triangle bar attachment and bring it down in front of your neck until it just touches the mid-point of your chest.
Reverse grip
This variation also thickens the latissimus dorsi rather than widening them, thus creating more depth to the mid-back. Use a short straight bar attachment and hold the bar with your palms facing towards you, about 15-20 cm apart.
Other Exercises for your Back Workouts.
One-arm Row.
Seated Cable Row.
Bent-over Barbell Row.
Straight-arm Pull-downs.
Dumbell Shrug.
Back Extention on the Floor.
Back Extention with Swiss Ball.
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