Lying Leg Curl Targets Following muscles:
Also used Gastrocnemius
Starting Position of Lying Leg Curl
* Lie face down on the leg curl machine and hook your heels under the roller pads. Adjust the machine if necessary so that your knees are just off the end of the bench and your thighs are fully supported.
* Hold on to the hand grips or the edge of the bench for support.
The Movements of Lying Leg Curl
* Bend your knees, bringing your heels towards your backside.
* Hold this fully contracted position for a count of two then slowly lower your heels back to the starting position.
Correct Technique and Tips for performing Lying Leg Curl
* Keep your hips and thighs in contact with the bench throughout the movement - do not allow your hips to rise.
* Control the movement on both the upwards and downwards phase - avoid kicking your heels back fast.
Variations of Lying Leg Curl
Toes pointed
Performing the movement with your toes pointed intensifies the work performed by the hamstrings.
Single leg curl
You can do leg curls with one leg at a time. This allows you to focus fully on each repetition.
Using a dumbbell
If you do not have access to a leg curl machine, you can improvise with a dumbbell. Position yourself as above on a bench. Bend your knees to 90° so the soles of your feet face the ceiling. Get your training partner to place a dumbbell securely between your feet so that the plates are parallel to the ceiling. Slowly straighten your legs until almost parallel to the floor and then curl them again, until your hamstrings are fully contracted. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
Other Exercises for your Legs, hips and glutes Workouts.
Barbell Squat.
Dead Lift.
Leg Press.
Leg Extention.
Front Lunge (dumbbell or barbell).
Reverse Lunge.
Straight-leg Dead Lift.
Standing Calf Raise.
One-leg Dumbell Calf Raise.
Leg Press Machine Calf Press.
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