Sunday, August 1, 2010


Target Muscles
Rectus abdominis (mainly upper part).

Starting Position
Lie flat on your back either on the floor or on an abdominal bench with your knees bent over your hips and your ankles touching. If you are on the floor, rest your feet on a bench with your knees bent at 90°.
Place your hands lightly by the sides of your head (or across your chest if you are a beginner).
Press your lower back to the floor or bench.
The Movement
Use your abdominal strength to raise your head and shoulders from the floor or bench. You should only come up about 10 cm and your lower back should remain on the floor.
Hold in this contracted position for a count of two.
Let your body uncurl slowly back to the starting position.
Focus on moving your ribs towards your hips.
Do not pull your head with your hands ­ keep your elbows out and relaxed.
Exhale as you contract your abdominals.
Other Exercises for your Ab Workouts
Swiss Ball Crunch.

Reverse Crunch.

Oblique Crunch.

Side Crunch.

Hanging Leg Raise

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