Target Muscles
Triceps (Especially the outer and medial heads).
Also used Brachioradialis.
Starting Position
Lie on your back on a fIat bench. If you have an excessive arch in your back, place your feet on the end of the bench or on a low step.
Hold the bar with your hands slightly less than shoulder-width apart, palms facing forwards.
The bar should be positioned directly over your head with your arms fully extended.
The Movement
Keeping your upper arms absolutely stationary, bend your elbows as you lower the bar until it just touches your forehead.
Hold for a count of two; then straighten your arms back to the starting position.
For maximum muscle development, straighten your arms fully at the end of the movement.
Keep your elbows perfectly still - do not allow them to move out to the sides, or backwards with the bar.
Keep your lower back firmly down on the bench.
Lower the bar as far back as you safely can
to achieve the greatest ROM.
The movement may be performed with either a straight bar or an EZ-bar. The EZ-bar places your forearms midway between supination and neutral, which you may find more comfortable.
Lying dumbbell triceps extension
Use a dumbbell instead of a barbell, placing your hands against the inner side of one of the end plates. You may also perform this exercise holding a pair of dumbbells, palms facing each other.
Lying single-arm triceps extension
Perform the movement using a dumbbell (as above), one arm at a time, palms facing inwards. You may use your free hand to steady your working elbow.
Other exercises for your arm Workouts.
Barbell Curl.
Preacher Curl.
Dumbbell Curl.
Incline Dumbbell Curl.
Concentration Curl.
Triceps Push-down.
Bench Dip.
Triceps Kickback.
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