Monday, March 30, 2009

Your ideal diet at a glance

A good diet is low in fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugars; and high in vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and whole grains. Eating well can make a real difference in your health and longevity.

An ideal diet

Daily, drink 64 to 80 ounces of water/water-based beverages, i.e. 8 glasses of water

Include 2 to 4 servings of fruits each day.

Include 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day.

Include 2 to 3 servings per day of calcium rich dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese group.

Include 2 to 3 servings per day of high-protein foods like fish, poultry, meat, dry beans, eggs and nut groups.

Include 3-6 servings per day of Whole grain foods like rice, bread, cereal etc

Include 20 to 30 grams of fiber like oats, wheat bran, raisins, vegetables, grains etc. each day

Use fats, oils and sweets sparingly for energy.

Limit salt and alcohol consumption.

One serving of fruits: 1 medium apple, orange or banana; 1 slice of melon; 3/4 fruit juice.

One serving Vegetable: 1 cup raw leafy greens, 1/2 cup cooked vegetables, 3/4 cup vegetable juice.

One serving of dairy: 1 cup milk or yogurt; 1cup calcium fortified orange juice; 1 ounce reduced fat cheese.

One serving of meat: Poultry, or fish-2-3 ounces, count 1/2 cup cooked beans; 1egg; 2 table spoon nuts or peanut butter.

One serving of grains: 1slice whole wheat bread; 1 ounce cold cereal; 1/2 cup cooked cereal or rice; 1small roll biscuit; 2large crackers.

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