These are some of the essentail facts about Diabetes. Advice on Diabetic diet, Diabetic medication and exercise. If proper care is taken with disciplined life style, Diabetics can live normal life.
It is hereditary. Diabetes runs in families.. A gene is present in the family members.
More thirst, more urination – more common mainly in diabetic Children. These symptoms may be less common in adults. If both parents are diabetics, more is the risk for children.
Wounds take more time to heel in diabetics. So, proper care is better.
After 30 years, it should be good to monitor glucose levels yearly.
In Diabetes, sugar level in the blood is more important than in urine.
If sugar is present in urine but not in blood, it is renal Glycosuria. There is no diabetes in that perso.
Diabtes -Blood tests: Random blood sugar test is not perfect.
Test on empty stomach early in the morning and after 2 hours food taken is essential.
Borderline persons – Glucose tolerance should be done to decide diabetes in them.
Diabetes Diet: Diet should be taken in small amounts 5-6 times daily at regular intervals.
Diabetics should not indulge in fasting and feasts –as they imbalance the glucose regulatory mechanism.
Exercise – Be regular and uniform. Brisk walking is the best exercise in diabetics. 30-45 minutes of daily walk is a must for every diabetic patient. Keep a candy to compensate decrease in the blood level if necessary.
Diabetes Medication – Medicine should be taken at regular intervals. By mistake, if you forgot to to take the drug yesterday, you should not take it in excess dosage today.
You might have taken sweets, for that you need not increase the dosage.
Never stop taking insulin even in illness.
Check your glucose levels at least monthly once or as per directions of physician.
Taking medicine without consulting doctor is not good for your health.
The time honored slogan in Diabetes:
First preference: Regular exercise.
Second preference: Diet control
Third preference: Drugs
All the three are important. For the sake of one, you should not neglect others.
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