want a bulkier torso for a shirtless summer. Any advice?
-Siddharth Khullar, New Delhi
Concentrate on these three areas-bulk up your lats and shoulders, and slay your waist. Recognise your body-type and then start. This means three weights sessions a week, targeting a different area each session. Newbies, remember:
1. Get into that weight-training mindset. That doesn't mean strutting about, lifting your single-rep max a few times. It means training consistently and pushing up the weights each session so that you can always do 8 reps, but fail at 12.
2. Cut down on the hustle and concentrate on the form. Maintaining the form requires proper breathing techniques.
3. Motivate yourself with goals: Aim to put an inch on your chest in a fortnight-push hard and you'll be up and running for your shirtless summer.
Session one hits your lats. Do 5 supersets of chin-ups with seated cable rows then five bent-over rows with bench pulls.
Session two is abs and lower back; 5 sets each of weighted Swiss-ball situps, lowcable pullins, Russian twists and deadlifts.
Session three targets your shoulders. Do 5 tri-sets of seated lateral raises, upright rows with a rope attached to the cable machine and seated shoulder presses.
One final word of advice: Take that shirt off only when you're at the beach, unless you want to look like a wannabe Salman Khan.
How can I hit every fitness goal I set for myself?
-Harish Pathak, Bangalore
Setting goals is an important way to measure your progress. But setting realistic goals is the only way to actually hit your milestones. My rules:
• For the first 2 weeks of a new regimen, strive to establish consistency and to change any bad habits. For instance, aim for a set number of workouts or cut out highly-processed snacks from your diet.
• Set your sights on your first performance-related fitness goal for the next month. Don't expect major physique changes.
• The 3-month mark is when you'll start seeing some changes in the way you look. Take note.
• After 6 months, you should be well on your way to achieving several long-term goals. Then you can reassess your goals for the next 6 months.
Time Goal
• 2 weeks Complete 6 to 8 workouts
• 1 month Increase your benchpress by 4.5 to 7kg
• 3 months Lose 3 to 4 inches off your waist
• 6 months Lose 11kg, then reassess your goals
Is there any way I can get bigger calves fast?
-Abhimanyu Singh, Mumbai
Imitate trainer Vince Gironda who first used this protocol for another guy who struggled with calf development: Arnold. Start with a weight that's roughly 30 to 40 per cent of what you normally use for calf raises. Perform 10 sets of 10 reps. Rest for 15 seconds between sets. Since calfmuscle-fibre makeup differs from that of bigger muscles, your calves recover too fast with the old 3-sets-of-10 approach. This routine will challenge your lower legs, and it will take less than 10 minutes to complete, so you can do it every day.
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