Friday, April 3, 2009

Pitta Dosh

Pitta is responsible for the entire metabolism in our mind body. In its widest sense, it governs digestive function including all chemical and metabolic transformations in the body as well as processes which promote heat production. Pitta also governs our ability to digest ideas and impressions and to therefore perceive the true nature of reality. Pitta is often regarded as the "fire" within the body. The keywords as far as pitta is concerned are ‘heat’ and ‘intensity’ and these are reflected everywhere in the mind and body of a pitta person.

Symbol: Fire

Constitution: elements of Fire(Agni) and Water(Apa)

Principle: Transformation, metabolism and discrimination in body-mind.

Qualities: hot, sharp, light, liquid, sour, oily and spreading.

Body characteristics: as pitta is hot, a pitta person has higher body temperature than vata or kapha people; pitta is sharp so pitta people have sharp nose, teeth , eyes; because of the hot, sharp and oily qualities these people have a tendency to grey prematurely. Strong appetite and strong body odour are the other characteristics.

Mental constitution: sharp memory, often wise and brilliant but tend to be dominating. They have a tenency to be overly critical and have a sharp tongue.

Pitta in balance:
Strong and complete digestion
Efficient assimilation of foods
Searchod complexion; healthy facial tone and coloration
Stimulated, open intellect

Pitta out of balance:
Incomplete digestion; poor differentiation between nutrients and wastes
Variable, blotchy skin color, inflamed; unhealthy appearance
Dullness of reasoning faculty

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