This is a new hope for millions of type 1 Diabetic children. Diabetic patients can soon test their health with a breath analyser rather than a blood test. This breath test will use chemical analysis technique which is widely used in air-pollution testing. Children with type-1 diabetes exhale more methyl nitrate when their blood sugar levels are high. This is very happy news for children if this breath test replaces painful, invasive blood testing. This study was conducted at the University of California and was supported by the National Institutes of Health and Juvenile Diabetes foundation. It was published in the online version of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Methyl Nitrate level is at 10 times the normal when blood sugar levels are high. Researchers find correlation between methyl nitrate and blood sugar levels when they did research on 10 diabetic children. Breath Analysis was also used in the diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis and ulcers.
According to world health organization, 200 million people are diabetics all over the world and this number will rise to 300 million by 2025. Type2 diabetes is more common.
Why Methyl Nitrate levels correlate with blood sugar levels?
When blood sugar levels rise in the body of type 1 diabetes patients, there will be more fatty acids in the blood that cause oxidative stress. Methyl nitrate is a by-product of this increased oxidative stress, he added.
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